Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday September 12, 2005

Monday September 12, 2005 Zack was waiting for me to get him up. He ate breakfast pretty quick and then wanted to take a walk. We went to the lobby and I told him he had to find his way back to his room by himself, he got confused at the elevators and asked me to save him. We got back to the room and he kept insisting that we had somewhere to go. He didn’t remember that Kathy comes to his room for Speech in the morning. He got mad at me because I wouldn’t take him to his appointment. Finally 9:00 arrives but Kathy is out this morning and we work with Kristi. Now that his appointment is here he is polite and not frustrated. She asked him to complete yes/no questions (is a ruler straight). He misses most of them because he is preoccupied. Then he does sentence completion (a cup of _________) and he misses a lot of those. He doesn’t seem to take it seriously and kept laughing at his own answers. He won’t pay attention (I think he is still mad at me). She moves to object/word match (reading) and although these should have been harder he gets most of them right. She hid two items and he found them both right away but he identified the penny as a concubine. Kristi had to laugh. We have to try not to laugh because then he gets really silly and just wants to entertain us. Amy took him to the 1st floor gym for P.T. He rod the wind bike for 12 minutes and last week he barely tolerate 10. She works on path finding and he does O.K. getting to the elevators but then gets confused. Amy asked him his last name and he said “thong” and laughed. Now it is hard to tell when he is joking around or truly doesn’t know the answer. O.T. with Mary Beth and as Zack walks to the gym he is bobbing his head like he is listening to music. She asked him to first and last name in cursive. He got it all right except he said he didn’t know how to make a cursive “Z” (I don’t think I do either). He played solitaire on the computer and did very well. He took deep sighs because he is concentrating so hard. This helps with problem solving, paying attention, color and numbers. She worked his right wrist with some simple exercises. It is very weak so she wants us to continue it in our room. Back in his room he take a short nap, eats lunch and then gets back in bed.
1:30 Speech with Kathy (she is back now) She worked with him on object identification. When she asked what you did with a book, he answered, “read novel”. On the clock he said, “curfew”. On sentence completion she asked him, when you want to see yourself you look into the _______. He answered Bible. She doesn’t count that as a correct answer but I think it’s the perfect answer. She asked him if he had a pet at home and he answered, “a Christian pet”. I think our dog is sweet but I don’t know if I would call him a Christian. After speech he wanted to go to bed. That is our battle now…keeping him occupied and away from the bed. Afternoon session in the gym with Amy and she works with weight resistance on the pulley rope. This will strengthen his arms and shoulders. Then she puts him back on the treadmill. 4:00 O.T. with Mary Beth and they played Black Jack. He amazes Mary Beth that he can shuffle. He deals and plays correctly. He knows when he wins or loses and doesn’t like losing. He tosses the medicine ball and lifts it over his head 20 times. Mary Beth says they will be discussing a discharge date on Thursday but if it were up to her and Mary Beth they would keep Zack here for 2 or 3 more weeks (despite insurance requirements). Back ion the room Zack takes a short nap until three of his friends come. He tells them he is going home tonight. Rita asked him how he was getting home and he said, “probably with this girl” and points to Lauren. He said right now he could go home with a stranger. He goes out to the courtyard and plays Velcro ball. The exercise and sun make him hot (us too) so he decides to go back inside. He hops in bed and plays Nintendo with Rob (Zack wins). It’s time for them to leave so Zack gets back in bed to finish his nap. When he wakes up its time for dinner. As he is finishing Dan and his Mom arrive. Since Zack won’t eat his desert I feed chocolate cake to Dan. He loves it when I put whip cream on his nose. They decide to leave when the girls start arriving. Before long we have a good game of Hot Potato going. In the beginning it is with 4 balls/4 people but then we add another person and another ball. Once the girls get use to it they can keep up with Zack (I got a picture that I hope to put on the site). Zack decides it’s time to take a walk and we head back out to the courtyard. The girls are excited about breaking their Hot Potato record so the balls go out with us. They get set up and the 5 of them pass it quickly around 51 times without anyone dropping a ball. They are the Hot Potato Champs worth mentioning: Kelsey Slade, Laura Powell, Kara Evans, Brooky Willoughby and their team captain, our man Zack. Tiffany walks up and joins in and they turn it into a game of 6 and one of the balls has to be a roll of tape that Tiffany has. They don’t do as well with 6 but it is still impressive and great therapy for Zack. He decides it’s time to quit and take a walk. As we stroll the halls he ask me, “What’s the schedule for this period?” I tell him we have no schedule right now so he ask, “Do we have any more classes?” I tell him no more therapy tonight and the girls agree that this is recess. We take a long walk outside and head up to his room when the girls have to leave. Tiffany stays behind to play Zack in Nintendo while he lies in bed. She is trying to help me keep him from going to sleep until 9:00 when he will get his shower. I know Zack really wants to leave here and go home but I am not sure either of us is ready. It will be harder for him, dealing with his siblings every day, and a lot more responsibility for us. Please pray that God will make us ready when that day comes. Please pray that Zack will be patient with Dylan, Kyle and Logan and his parents as we fumble to get things right. Pray for his recovery and our peace of mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zack... i love you so much... keep fighting!!!

9:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will you need at home in order to bring Zack home when it is time? Can you call or e-mail me at school sometime? My planning period is from 10:35-11:40 and lunch is from 12:10-12:30. The switchboard can put you through to me during those times.
Your friends in the 8th grade are praying for you constantly. We love you, Zack and the whole family. Praise God for His mercy and lovingkindness shown on you as Zack improves each and every day.
Janet Smith

10:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen -

I wish I was there to help you when Zack comes home. You are in good hands though, for the good Lord won't let you down. He will be right there with you helping the whole family through the transition of having Zack home. Welcome the change of having Zack home and cast all your concerns to the Lord. He will provide.
Love and God Bless You Always,

1:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey zack, i had so much fun playing hot potato with you yesterday. I cant wait to come back and beat our record. It was so good seeing you and seeing for myself that you were ok. You are being very strong right now and God is helping you fight through it. We love you and pray for you every day.
Love Brooky Willoughby
It was very nice meeting you yesterday. You are so strong to be going through this with the attitude that you have. Your positive attitude is making zack stronger to. My mom told me this morning that you were her motivation on getting up today. She has been sick lately and had planned on calling in sick for work but then thought that, "If Eileen can get up every morning and do what she does daily then i can surely get up for work". You are an inspiration to all and we are praying for you and Zack everyday!

9:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

eileen, i am back in town and have caught up at work and more importantly on my zack updates....he continues to improve with each day in his recovery and it is so guided by God's hands. i feel blessed to be a witness to it. i was wondering when they are talking about releasing him..i kow you said they are talking thursday about discharge plans....i can come see zack before his release or wait until he goes home..please let me know what you always, jules

10:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen, I am a daily reader of your postings. What faith and courage you have to fullfill what God has delivered to your son. The strength that you, Scott and Zach have and give to others should be considered a miracle in the everyday eyes of people. I am so glad you had the strength to tell Zach's story at CAL last week and I was praying that all would go well for you that day.
I know Zach's time is coming to an end at Frazier and it seems that Zach is ready for the next phase.I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.
If there is anything I can do please email or call me.
Julie eckert

2:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you Zack! keep coming along strong! God Bless You!
love, tiffany

3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear zack,

4:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zack, hot potatoe was so much fun! Keep up the good work. Im praying for you everyday! Hopefully i will get to come to the hospital and see you soon and maybe we can get another record in our game.
Love you all so much

6:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

as i continue to pray for zack i notice that everyday he gets a little bit better...i have never seen prayer wrok like this!
~a CAL student

6:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi hornbacks! i am a new freshman student at cal and just wanted to say a few words. mrs. hornback, you are so awesome! hearing you speak in chapel left me speechless. you are such a strong woman and i admire you for having such strong faith. you really touched my heart in chapel. it really opened to my eyes and made me reevaluate some things in my life. zack is fully in god's hands, as told in this blog! god is so awesome! i pray daily for zach and your family, for god to heal zack completely and to give you and your family peace. i also very much appreciate the piece of material that you gave us in chapel. it's a daily reminder for me to "stay the course" and make smart decisions. i call it my "little piece of zack"! just remember, god will always provide and meet your every need! i love you zack, and stay strong!
love, sarah parks

6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey zack! so glad i got to come see you on monday! i had so much fun playing hot potatoe with u and its good to see you laughin and havin fun! time i am there we will have to beat our record of 51!...stay strong! love you
~kara evans

4:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Zach and Hornback family,
CAL continues to send you prayers and God is watching over you and shows his power every day by improving Zachs recovery. I just pray that God will not only give zach strength but also give you strength. You have no idea how many people/CAL students Zachs story has touched expessially when you came to chapel it made us all think that choices today will effect us for ever and to deffianitly think twice about everything we say and do. God is with you always and has a plan.
In Gods name,
A touched CAL seventh grade student

8:23 PM

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1:39 AM


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