Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday September 29, 2005

Thursday September 29, 2005 Zack is up early again today and has had breakfast when I arrived. He showered, dressed and we go for a walk. 9:00 Speech with Kathy and she asked him questions about his morning. Then she gave him a piece of paper and asked him to spell various words and he did very well. Then she would write words and asked him what they were and before long he was reading them upside down and answering before she could turn the paper around. Then she showed him a picture and pointed to something in the picture and asked him what it was. This is where the aphasia gets us. He cannot associate words with objects. P.T. with Amy and she stretches him. They work on balance and flexibility (both has improved). He does 20 minutes on the stationary bike and they talk about his outing to the bowling alley tonight. He is confident that he is going to beat Amy and really talks it up. O.T. with Mary Beth and they work with money. They review the value of different coins and then she gives him different verbal problems (If you have $20 and buy a CD for $15.45 how much do you have left). He did very well. 11:30 our evaluation with Centre for Neuro Skills (CNS) begins. Wendi (a clinical nurse evaluator) asked him a variety of questions about his abilities and Zack answers accurately. The aphasia kicks in at times but they need to see that. She checks his hearing and eyesight (no problems). She has him draw a floor plan of his room showing the furniture. That was interesting. Zack worked very hard on it and you could see his bed but that was it. She asked him a variety of questions to test his cognitive skills. She asked, “What would be the reason a letter would be returned to you”
He answered “The Lord”. I don’t think that was the answer she was looking for but she can’t say that was wrong. She asked him to spell various words (some fairly difficult) and he does very well. After our evaluation ends Wendi tells me Zack is an ideal candidate for their program and she would be making that request of our insurance company. She has to give them a written evaluation and what the Centre would do to address his needs that couldn’t be done here. We should have their answer tomorrow. As soon as she leaves Fox 41 News arrives to interview us. They have heard about Zack’s recovery and wanted to know more. I get an opportunity to tell them that we feel led by God to teach other teenagers how simple decisions can change their lives forever and that through therapy and prayer, amazing things can happen. The reporter, Stephan Johnson said he would stay in touch because he knew a follow up story would be in line. Zack When they leave Zack could hardly wait to get in bed. His evaluation and interview cut into his naptime and he intends to catch up. While in bed he asked for the phone and calls his Dad (he knew the number) and leaves a message. Then he calls my cell phone (he knew that number as well). He says he wants Rita to write a letter for him. He wants to write, “ball fat material” in the letter and finally says, “No that doesn’t sound nice”. He gets up to change his clothes and starts dancing. He goes out to the nurse’s station and dances for the nurses (they love it). 4:00 OT with Mary Beth and they practice bowling to get ready for his outing. Once he gets his timing down he throws strikes and spares. He tells her he really likes bowling. Mary Beth comments that his right wrist is still very weak and he should use a light ball at Lucky Strike. He tells her he likes dancing better than bowling. Back in the room he want to write another letter, this time to his Dad. He wants to say, “I can barely follow him”. Rita asked him do you mean because he is fast or because he is good. Zack answers, “Because he is good”. Then he wants to write me a letter that says, “You stink at watching the clock”. He is always watching the clock and is ready to leave for therapy so he won’t be late.
Finally it’s time to leave. Amy (P.T.) and Karri (recreational therapist) come to get us and we walk the 4 or 5 blocks to 4th Street Live. It is a beautiful day and Zack loves it. He is always a fast walker and I notice he keeps slowing down. When I ask him why he is walking so slow, he looks back and says, “Because of that lady back there”. Rita had been walking with us but she couldn’t keep up and had fallen way behind. Zack was trying to slow down so she could catch up to us. So sweet to be concerned about his grandmother. We get our shoes, go to our land and select our balls. Zack bowls first and starts off great. By the time we get to the second frame his friends start to arrive. Before the first game is over there are about 10 kids here to cheer him on. Amy and Kerri are very impressed with how well he does. We all had a great time although Amy ended up beating Zack by 5 pins, but he still beat Kerri and me. He doesn’t want to leave but after we take pictures we have to head back to Frazier. His dinner is waiting for us when we get back and before he is finished his friends arrive. Several of them missed us at the bowling alley and still wanted to come to the room. Zack decides we need to play the card game “Golf” so we teach Rob, Kaitlyn and Brooke how to play and Tiffany joins in. There is laughter and joking around. At one point Tiffany doesn’t play fast enough and Zack tells her, “Should we skip you”. When he gets tired he hops in bed and half his friends end up in there with them. The girls ask Zack how he got so hot and he responds, “My Mom and Dad made me this way”. Everyone laughs and Brooke teases me with hot Mamma Hornback. We had a wonderful, exciting day as we wind down our stay here at Frazier. Zack will remain here until his surgery on Oct 5th. He will recover at University Hospital until Saturday Oct 8th, when he will be released to go home or to Texas. Our lives are about to change drastically again and we seem to be taking it in stride. It is part of God’s plan and we have learned not to question, only follow. We still worry like normal parents about the unknown but we except it much easier now that God has taught us that He is in control. Please pray that all the pieces fall perfectly in place the next 24 hours. We ask for your continued prayers for the aphasia to end and for Zack’s complete recovery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Hornbacks,

I just saw your interview with Fox 41 and zach looks really good.He is developing very quickly.It was a great news story and i know it affected many people in Louisville. I continue to pray for him and i see the prayer given by many 100s of teenagers have been answered by God. He is progressing so well and before you know it he be back in school. Just wanted to say that I am sry i have not come to the hospital in a while to visit. But i continue to read up on him everyday and will visit him soon I hope. God Bless. Stay Strong!!

Scott Beard

11:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We saw you both on Fox 41 tonight and Zack looks great,I
am sorry we havent been back to hospital for so long but we faithfully read your blog every day and continue to send up your prayers requests to our Almighty God each day.Eileen, I am so impressed with your strenght and your faith,it is an inspiration to me. Your family's story has touched more teenagers than you'll ever know till you reach the pearly gates, Keep up the good testimony to us all and thank you for reaching out to all Zack's friends each day with this blog.
Linda Beard

11:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott & Eileen

Great news about the Centre in Dallas. I am sure if it is Gods will then the insurance issue will fall right in line as well. God has been right there with you through this entire ordeal and He will continue to guide you through until the end. I am glad Zack had such a great day and I love that he was sensitive to his grandmothers needs...what a sweetheart! Take care you guys.
Praying for you always,

Tom & Julie

11:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww I'm so excited for you all... it sounds like everyone had a great day today! that's so great that you all got on the news, now even more people will be able to hear Zack's story! ...Although I missed it (I don't think anyone watches the news at my house, unless they want to check the weather lol) hopefully I'll find someone who taped it or something, and if not, then I guess I'll just make sure to find out when the next one will be. You all are impacting lives everyday.
And, thank you Mrs. Hornback for giving everyone a piece of Zack's clothes to remind us of what all can happen in a matter of seconds, and just how Great our God is, and the list goes on forever on what that little piece of clothing does... I've tried to spread my little "reminders of zack" various places, I put a piece of his sweatshirt on my computer monitor where you can adjust the settings, so I see it whenever I use my computer, I put the button you gave me of Zack on my camera bag, which goes with me to all the important places (because I don't really have a purse right now) and another piece of his sweatshirt stuck by the corner of my mirror in my locker at school. That day that you came to I have NEVER been in a chapel service like that.... NO ONE was talking, EVERYONE had their eyes focused on you, hanging on your every word... the room fell silent...except for the sounds of sniffling... and when we were dismissed to go back to class, the halls were silent, just the sound of locks being taken off of lockers, and just the tapping of shoes walking down the hall. I got to my locker, still in awe, and I started talking (more like a whispering) to a girl that had a locker near me, and we started talking about how we both had the biggest lumps in our throats during the service, from making ourselves not cry, and we both had never talked to zack before the accident, not even a hello in the halls.... (we were freshmen last year, nobody really liked us lol) After getting my books I walked into the bathroom not thinking of the consequences... there were about 3 girls at the sink re-applying their make-up after crying, and two more just standing agianst the wall staring at the floor, only saying a few words... and I was in there before most people were finished at their lockers, I know there were many more girls to come, and I was only in one of the bathrooms.... but I just thought that you all might of wanted to know, if you didn't already :)

I'm praying for you all,
-Kristy Litsey

1:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can view the Fox feature at the above site.

Praying for complete recovery.

Friends from Westport Road Church of Christ

2:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the news segment and was amazed at how well he looked. I'm glad he had a great time bowling! I will continually pray for God to lead you in the right place. He sees the whole picture and he knows where Zack needs to be. Your faithfullness and obediance to go where God puts you will be blessed! You are such an inspiration. I hope you will continue to keep this website after Zack goes home.
I have a friend, her boyfriend is in University right now in the same situation Zack was in back in July. I gave her this website and told her how encouraging it was. I told her not to be discouraged. I hope she will log on to it and read your uplifting words! I hope they will find the Lord through this and therefore have more hope. I wanted her to read about Zack and see how powerful God is and what he is capable of!!
Always praying for you!!
Kristy (the one from the waiting room :) )

12:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hornbacks!!
i had sooo much fun tonight Zack makes me laugh everytime i see him...i love you all and i will see you soon love always,

2:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the hornbacks,
my mom just sent me the Fox 41 story online today. it was so good to see zack up and walking. it honestly brought a tear to my eye. i hate being all the way in alabama, and not being able to see zack's strength through all this in person. but i do want to thank you for your daily comments. i can honestly tell you that i read them everyday. i also want to thank you for handing out pieces of zack's sweatshirt. to this day, i carry it with me in my purse when i go out. and it is a HUGE reminder to not only me, but also to the friends that i have made here, to be safe and be aware of what could happen. thank you so much for your inspiration and for sharing your story with so many people. tell zack i said hello and that i miss him very much! i cant wait to come home and see him! thank you again, and God bless!
Lindsay Densmore

4:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Hornback,
I just wanted to tell u that i seen you and Zack yesterday walking down the street. I was on a shuttle bus from Jewish out pateints center with my husband i was sitting on the bus going to our car from the valet parking and i looked up and i said to my husband OH MY GOSH Doug look there is Zack Hornback and his Mom. I explained to my husband that Zack was the 16 year old boy who was badly injured that i keep up with on his website i was in tears i said look at how great he looks and look how good he is walking by looking at him you would never know how bad of an injury he had except for the helmet but that will be gone soon. I must say when i seen you all that just made my day i was so excited for the rest of the day. You would have thought Zack was a close friend of mine but he don't know me from Adam lol. Then i get on here to read your posting and i see where fox 41 had interviewed you two so just had to go on and watch that i was sooooo excited for Zack he is so remarkable. I want so bad to meet you and your family. I ask my daughter if she would come to see you and she said yes i hope you don't think i am a nut but just want to meet this miricale child that you have. Oh by the way my mom had her last cateract surgery on the 28th and when i was back in recovery i was asking some of the nurses if they had remembered Zack and the 2 taking care of my mom did so i was bragging on Zack like he was mine i was telling them that he is going home soon and he is just doing wonderful. A lady by the name Barbra back in surgery said that Zack had come just a couple of days ago to see her it gave me cold chills i am so glad that he is going so good. well i will keep praying for you and Zack and your family. God is truely an awsome God. Oh yea before i forget thank you so much for this web site
Thinking of you,
Vicky Wolfe

5:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Eileen and Zack, I had a lot of fun with you today zack. Sorry that we missed you at the bowling allie but im glad that i still got to see you back at frasier. Both my mom and i just love coming to visit you, it really just brightens our week after our visits with you. stay strong and i cant wait until you go home. You will prolly get tired of me cause i will be at your house so much. Eileen...i want to help out in any way possible, even if its not helping you with zack. I can take care of the girls or help you clean or anything. Just let me know, I'll help out in anyway possible. o,by the way...zack definetly got his looks for you,(hot mama hornback)haha.
I love you all and am still praying.
Love Brooky willoughby
p.s.cant wait to do the boner at basketball...haha

1:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I thought I would post on your Thursday September 29, 2005 thread as I was here. Actually I am trying to find boys t shirts blogs, and getting bored looking and thought I would post cos I like your blog. I hope you dont mind. OK, now I've done that I'd better go looking for more boys t shirts. Cool blog Eileen!

12:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, when I was looking for stuff on skateboarding apparel this site came up, so I guess that you must be interested, or have commented on it at some point in the past! Anyway, if you do like skateboarding apparel check it out. There is a blog there too, to repay the favour!

8:43 AM

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