Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. and mrs. hornback. i didnt know your son very well but i met him a couple of times and it breaks my heart to hear about this terrible accident. zach is a very sweet guy and hes very strong and i KNOW he can make it through this. i am praying for your family and zach every day and cant wait till zach returns to us.

jessica lechner

2:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. and mrs. hornback. Me and my frinds have been praying for Zach. I really do believe that he is going to make it through this and return back to us the same way he use to be.Seeing that picture breaks my heart,but i know Zach is strong and will pull through with this...still praying.

shelby jones

3:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

scott and Eileen, its amy from across the street. even though i havent talked to zack in forever it breaks my heart to hear about this accident! i know zack will make it through this ok. im praying for God to give you all strength to make it through this. Stay strong! love always amy bryant

4:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. aNd Mrs. Hornback
You dont know me but i know your son. Zack is such a great guy i wasn't extremely close with him but we were friends and i really miss hanging out with him. I met him through Taylor landgrave and Andrew Raines, at southeast. I'm soo sorry for what happened to zack, i can't wait till he his better. I pray everyday for him because he didnt deserve this...soo many people care about him and are praying for him. Let God do a miracle with zack!

Sincerely Jessica Cox

5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott and Eileen,

My name is Beth Houze and I am the mother of Sarah and Tyler.. They are both friends of Zack.. We were there on Sunday and you handed my daughter a piece of Zack's shirt. She has attached that to her visor of her car so that she will think of him throughout the day and pray for him.. She has shared this story with many of her friends and this has made and will continue to impact many lives. Please know that we are praying for you all and for Zack every day... as well as all of those who were involved.

Beth Houze

9:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mr. and mrs. hornback. we have all been preyin for zack like crazy. but it seems like zack is getting alot better really fast. i hope to see him outta there soon. but ima b there everyday until he dose. i know that zack is going to stay strong through all of this. still praying.

Dan Dwinnells

9:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am praying for zack continously and hoping for the best. Zack is so strong and i feel he will make it through this. He continues to gain progress daily and i know his brain is strong.

11:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen and Scott,

Our prayers are with you. Zack will draw from your strength and courage as he continues to recover. Yes, he will recover. So, please take care of ourselves too while you are enduring all of this, so Zack can lean on you as he comes back to you both.

We will continue to pray for you. Let us know what we can do to help at any time.

Mark and Monica Key

8:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up i never relized that inccidents like this could happen to me and the people i care about, it was a careless mistake and it ended up tragic, zach is the most wonderful guy i have ever met, he alway's had a smile on his face, and he always kept one on mine.
zach is a fighter, and hes going to beat this, and come home the amazing person he always was, Good people overcome bad sitations and in-time thats what zach will do over come this phase in his life,.
I know ive not known you long, but you mean the world to me, and to everyone, pull through this! im praying for you. Im here in heart every step of the way for you!!
<3 you zach!~
Also Mr. mrs. Hornback your are terrific parent's zach has been blessed!
_ Laura Bailey _

11:42 AM


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