Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday August 22, 2005

Monday August 22, 2005 Zack was awake in bed with his lights out trying to get undressed. He saw me and started laughing. He said he gave his uniform pants to some girl. 9:00 speech therapy with Kathy in his room and she informs us that he can’t go to group lunch because he had MRSA at University Hospital and hasn’t had 3 negative cultures (only 2 but they never ordered the 3rd). She said they would schedule a private feeding in his room to hopefully remove the restrictions from his diet. Kathy showed him large cards with pictures of things on them (apple, horse, toilet) and asked him what they were. He was very frustrated because he knew what they were but retrieved the wrong word. Once she gave him the beginning sound he was able to finish the word. He counted the correct number of people in the pictures and did very well on word association. P.T./O.T. at 10:00 in the gym and his blood pressure and dizziness were discussed. Mary Beth (O.T.) really thinks the problem is with his eyes, which, she identified as vesicular, neurological or eyes reacting slow. We may have to do a more thorough blood pressure check by putting him on a tilt table. Once we rule out blood pressure we can research his vision more in depth. I believe it is a combination of both (I’m his mother so I’m probably right). Mary Beth started a paper airplane but Zack took it from her and finished it. He then started throwing it with his right hand. He had to walk/maneuver around an obstacle course with the goal to make him focus on his right side. He asked to go look for Melissa (his nurse many nights who takes him for late night rides in his wheelchair) because he needs to find her a passenger. He does remember people here that he never knew before his accident. At 12:30 Lorri from Speech Therapy arrives to watch how Zack eats and introduce new foods. His lunch consisted of mashed potatoes, applesauce, greens (all of which he has had before) and pork (whole this time). She wanted him to cut his meat with a butter knife, which was impossible for him (she had difficulty doing it herself). He did not enjoy lunch and I don’t think he liked Lorri, who kept stopping him from taking bites until he chewed (how do you chew mashed potatoes or applesauce). At one point he became very upset and started banging his fork on his plate. He was hungry, she was late and all he wanted to do was eat. He failed his eating test because Lorri says he eats too fast, takes too big of bites and doesn’t chew his food long enough (sounds like most teenage boys I know). So he will still have to have his meat ground, can’t have sandwiches or rolls (although they have sent them up on his tray before and he ate them with no problem) nothing crunchy, chewy or hard. The only part about it that bothers me is that he would really like to have pretzels (his favorite snack) and they would give him the salt he needs. I will lobby to get just pretzels added and be happy. Right now I am frustrated because I was sure Zack would pass the feeding test and I could keep my promise We arrived for speech a little late and I asked Rebecca (another speech therapist filling in for Kathy) if she would just try small pieces of pretzels. She did let him eat 3 small pieces, which he chewed and swallowed with no problems. She made a note to have Kathy see him eat pretzels. He easily answered her yes or no questions and followed directions. Back in the gym for afternoon P.T./O.T. and we have a new P.T. Angela who is very sweet and gentle. Maybe a little too sweet because she didn’t quite know what to do (she is new) and Zack could sense that and he took over. Then we got Mary Beth (O.T). Who knows Zack well. She worked with him on putting a sequence of pictures in order. She put post-it-notes all over his body and he had to stand in front of a mirror to remove them. Dr. Miller (physiatrist resident) came to discuss Zack’s shoulder with Mary Beth. He is still having a lot of trouble with it and they will put together a program and explain it to us in the Family Meeting Wednesday. Back in his room he naps before Scott comes with Dylan, Kyle and Logan. At first he handles their visit pretty good but he starts to get upset and is showing signs of depression. He keeps checking the clock. Later we start to get visitors and Jules from our dentist office stops by with some things for Zack. He brushes his teeth with a new rotary toothbrush and flosses. He has always taken good care of his teeth and it is nice to see him interested in them again. He glances at the clock and says, “ We have 2 more minutes”. He thinks he is going to therapy tonight and gets very upset when I tell him there is no more therapy today. He goes for a walk with Charlie (one of his nurses) to get the ants out of his pants and then comes back ready to visit with his friends. Andrew, Trey, Taylor and Kelsey all play baseball with him. They keep encouraging him to throw with his right hand and dare him to try to hit the ceiling. This is such good therapy because he has to extend his right arm over his head in order to throw it that high. Soon he gets tired and heads for his bed. Melissa (his nurse tonight) comes in to check his blood pressure and he tells her that he feels bad, very sad. He says goodbye to his friends and takes another nap. Now I can see first hand what people mean when they say they are depressed and don’t want to get out of bed. After his shower I talk him into sitting up in his recliner and watching the football game. He finally seems relaxed. He points to my laptop and says to write compliments. He has noticed me before taking notes and now I think he realizes I am writing about him. I know one day he will want to know what happened while he was “gone” and I can hand him this manuscript of the missing pieces. He will see how many people prayed for him, encouraged him and loved him. He will read of the lesson he taught to many people he didn’t even know and realize how he was carried in the arms of Christ through his suffering. I told him tonight that there are people all over the world praying that he will get better and he told me to listen to his prayers. One day he will be able to thank those people himself and pray for them. Scott calls and reminds me to thank everyone again from him. He gets emotional at the outpouring of compassion from close friends to people who barely know our family. If you don’t read the comments please go back to August 17th and read the posting from Scott. Pray tonight that God will whisper in Zack’s ear 1st Peter 5:7 “Cast all your burdens on the Lord for he cares for you” and this will ease his depression.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott & Eileen -

Ask, and it shall be given to you, Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

Our Lord has provided so much already in Zacks recovery and He will continue to open the doors necessary for Zack to acheive a full recovery. We continue to pray for you, Zack, Dylan, Kyle and Logan. Know thatr you are always close to our hearts everyday.
All our love,
Tom & Julie

12:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strenth. They will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

"The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking" Psalms 31:3

"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you" Isaiah 66:13

Few verses that have spoke to me in the past, and I wanted to share them with you!

Praying as always!!

8:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

good morning eileen. i really enjoyed my visit with you and zach last night. as i told you, you give 'steel magnolias' a whole new meaning. i was so full of love, emotion and inspiration when i left. you are wonderful with him and zach was very entertaining with his laughter. if you get a chance, can you email me again, i lost your address and want to communictae with you further - thanks, have a good day today - i'll be sending prayers for strength and patience for you and the entire family. love,jules

8:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello hornbacks :)
I wanted to tell you a couple of things: one-you all don't know me but I have posted on here before two- I am still praying for you all! three- the other day, I sat back and looked at my life, and I realized that I pray a lot more than I used to, I'm even closer to God than I used to be...I then realized your blog has become a daily reminder to me what and who God really is! I have much more faith than I used to and I thank you all for sharing your trials and prayers along with truly is an amazing witness! lastly- my grandma, who has never had a medical problem in her entire life had a heart attack a couple of days soon as I found out, I started praying, and praying alot...she had surgery and came out fine! but as I was sitting in her hospital room, I looked around...and you and Zack came to mind...this small room with nothing more than a bed, some chairs, and a television has become your home...I then thought how strong you all are for being able to go through all of this with so much faith. I wondered if I could ever do it. Then I looked around the room again and realized everyday in Zacks little temporary hospital home, a miracle happens...God continues to heal him and continues to shine through the entire situation...and I realized that is how you all are making it through. I am praying, as are alot of others. Stay strong...God is doing wonders!

4:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mrs hornback- thanks so much for your faithfulness in keeping up with zaxcumback...its so good to hear he is doing better each day you write...always in prayer

7:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping this website up to date!! Its tons of help!! Im so glad to hear how Zack is doing!! I will continue to pray for him and for your family! You guys have been soo strong through all of this! You have an amazing son and God is working so many wonderful miracles through him!!
We miss him and cant wait til we can see him again!
Always praying,
God Bless You All

7:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zack sounds like he is really coming along well. I will pray that his depression is short lived and this phase will pass soon. Be strong, Eileen as you have been. I look forward to your postings to see Zack's progress. Dylan had a great scrimmage Friday. I asked someone, Who is #85, he is on fire!! They said Dylan and I just smiled!! The Hornbacks are so strong in so many ways. One day I would love to meet you!! God bless you as you have made my faith so much stronger. Thank you!!

Trish Riddle

7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hornbacks,
Im soo happy to hear how well zack is doing! every morning and every night i pray for zack. i love him soo much! just from reading the website i know him better and better everyday! i'm getting to know his personality and everything, i know that his favorite snack is pretzels hahaha. i keep on telling morgan that i really want to go to the hospital and see him, even though he probibly won't even remember me... thats okay. every time i think about zack my heart gets so excited and sad at the same time. i am excited because i cant wait for him to come home, im sad because of what happened and what your family is going through. but i have confidence in your family and zack, i believe that your prayers and everyone elses prayers will work together to help Gods powers be even stronger. i love you all so much, and remember that God will allways be with you.
courtney johnson

7:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Zack!

just thinking about you and i thought i would say hey! i love you and still praying hard. ill see you soon! God Bless You!

love always,

8:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a word of encouragement from South Carolina. We have witnessed God's faithfulness first hand. Our family continues to pray for you daily. We remember it all so well. God will bless you. Of this I am certain. If anyone would like to read about the healing process of another brain injured teen. Try the website below. We feel that we have a special conection with you. There is also contact information there. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all - any of you - friends or family. We would like to use the blessing that God has allowed us, to minister to others.

In Chrisitan Love,
The Marchette's

9:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

zack... We love you SOOO much and cant wait for your complete recovery We are praying for you all the time... STAY you!

9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hAng in there zAcK!!!! sTay sTrOng hOrnBacKS!!

11:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Zack is doing great and will soon be reading this blog himself. Give him a hug and kiss for me. I pray for his recovery daily and have shared this site with many people who are praying too. I'll be home to visit weekend after next. Let me know how I can help out. Love and miss you all.

11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all are such an inspiration to everyone. Mr. And ms. hornback to see how strong you all are through this is such a witness in its self! your amazing people and ur son is too! we miss him in Homeroom and pray for him everymorning!we cant wait for the day he will be back in our class!

4:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there zach your doing great

5:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the hornbacks,

hey! i really do not know your family very well at all, but i just wanted to tell you that you are in my prayers. zack is a wonderful person and is obviously loved by many people. even though God doesn't always tell us why he does things he always has a reason. just remember that we all love zack and so does God. i just know he will answer our prayers. may God's love, comfort, and care be with you all.

5:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

zack hope you get better soon we love you and are praying for you

4:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Zack. Your such a fighter!!! jUST hang in there! Your doing soo well. You really don't no me but i go to your school. You have inspired me so greatly and i just wanted you to know that.

<3 a girl

5:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


~cal girl

7:04 PM


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