Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tuesday August 16, 2005

Tuesday August 16, 2005 Zack was asleep when I arrived because he had gotten up early, cruised the halls and was talking to everyone (low, muffled whispers). At 9:00 he had speech therapy in his room. Kathy asked him if he knew his name. He knew his first, middle and last name. She asked him how old he was and he said 16. She explained he wasn’t 16 yet but he would be on his birthday. He got very upset when he didn’t know his birthday. She told him that this was August and asked what month came after August. He told her September. Zack said of Kathy “she help me talk” but broke our hearts later when he said, “Where is Zack”? He decided to take Kathy for a walk and ran into Amy (P.T.) in the hall and hugged her. 10:00 P.T./O.T. down in the gym and they worked with him on the alphabet. They used big blocks and he said the alphabet but had trouble selecting the right letters. Could say the whole alphabet but got very upset when he couldn’t choose the right letters and tried to push Amy away. He played baseball and caught very well and was throwing much better with his right hand (it is still very hard for him to use it). While they were waiting he said, “My Dad is not picking me up”. He is really talking a lot more but we just wish we could understand him better. Amy had him kick a ball for a while and also walk several flights of stairs. When he returns to his room he is wore out and lays down to take a nap at 11:30. I had to drag him out of bed to eat lunch. Dana (day nurse) came and told us that Zack had graduated from tube feeding since he was eating so well. They cannot remove the tube from his stomach until 6 weeks after it was installed (July 22nd) but at least he won’t have to deal with that at night when he goes to bed. I had to help Zack eat lunch because he kept trying to get up and go back to bed. Finally he was finished and wanted to go to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and wanted to take his helmet off. He rubbed his hands through his hair like he was trying to fix it and got upset when he saw his laceration. I explained that he was getting better and we would just keep his helmet on so he didn’t see it. He is starting to be interested in his appearance again. Checking out his teeth in the mirror and pulling his pants down below his waist. Back in speech with Kathy at 1:30 he matches up basic shapes like a square, heart and circle. He had problems with the more difficult ones (he got 5 out of 12). 2:30 he is back in the gym with Amy (P.T.) and Mary Beth (O.T.) they have him put together metal pipes. They would show him a picture and he had to duplicate the design. He did very well copying several pictures, smiled a lot and was proud of himself. Then they had him sit on the floor to see if he could get up to a standing position. They were proud of him because he did it and they didn’t have to show him how. It is amazing how much we take for granted. How intricately God has woven our bodies together. How complicated the brain and body working together. Spend one day watching these therapist and tell me that we are a product of random selection or chance. Back in our room Rita was telling Zack jokes. When she said knock, knock he answered, whose there. Scott arrived with Chris (he has worked for Scott since Zack was a toddler). Scott was overwhelmed at how clear minded Zack seemed. He asked him if he knew what a “Wet Willy” was and he licked his finger. Zack laughed and covered his ear. Scott explained to Zack that Chris had been worried about him since he saw him in ICU and he reached out and shook Chris’s hand, as if to say I’m O.K. now. He was talking a lot to them. When it was time for Scott to pick up Dylan and the girls he took me out in the hallway and was overcome with emotion at how well Zack was doing. He came back into the room to say goodbye and Zack said, “See ya brother”. We truly feel blessed each day when Zack progresses to the next stage. We hardly know what to pray for and God answers it before we ask. He knows the desires of our heart. Zack had several visitors from school telling him how much they missed him on their first day back. He smiled for a picture with them and then cried when they left. When dinner arrived Zack did not want to get out of bed to eat. When he was hungry and we moved to the table he decided it was faster to eat with his fingers. I had to keep stopping him and putting a fork in his hand. He couldn’t get that right hand working fast enough so I would put the fork in his left hand but he would transfer it to the right. He got very frustrated and tried to get up several times to go back to bed but I would redirect him back to the table and tell him he couldn’t use his fingers. Then he got mad, got up from the table aggressively with his chest puffed out. When I told him to sit back down and eat without using his fingers he got very mad and pushed me and said loudly, “I don’t want anything”. Fortunately Holly (day nurse) had come to the room and she stepped in to settle him down. He went back to his bed to lay down and she explained that this aggressive stage could get a lot worse. Frequently the therapist are sent to the emergency room after a patient has been aggressive. We hope this is short lived in Zack (I think it will be better when he can communicate) but it is an indication of progress. Remember, as his brain rediscovers his emotions, everything is exaggerated, including anger. If the phases seem worse and worse we have to remember that actually they are a sign that Zack is getting better and better. The aggressive phase typically last through Rancho Level 6 and then a light bulb will just go off inside and he will be the one asking us questions. When the last of his friends are leaving he gets emotional and walks up to me and says, Don’t leave me. Hold my hand”. It was heartbreaking to see him so afraid to be alone. Donna and I discussed that part of his frustration could be from the fear of what is happening to him. After his friends left we went for a walk to the nurses station and he was telling them that Carolyn and Kristen were there. He got very frustrated when I told him it was Avery and Taylor. I guess now I am the bad guy making him cry. We went back to his room to watch T.V. and I asked the nurse to go ahead with the Trazadone at 10:00 so that maybe tonight I can leave by 11:00 P.M. I am getting very tired and looking forward to a vacation some day. Again I ask for prayers that Zack will get his voice out so we can understand him and hopefully end some of this frustration. Pray also that he can start sleeping better and that too will help with frustration if he is not so tired. Scott would like to ask that you also say a prayer for Chris Hatler, his dear friend and man of honor, who is also dealing with serious medical issues of his own. We are well aware of the power of prayer and know that our Heavenly Father hears us. Sorry, time to go I’m falling asleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first day of school was today and i wish zack could of been there. This is my first year in highscool so i never got to experience it with Zack there, but i have faith he will be back! You have so much strength mrs. hornback and dont ever let that leave you! I read about Zack every night on this site so thank you so much for keeping it updated and everything. I am glad to see how well he is doing. Hopefully i can come see zack soon! He is always in my prayers!!!
Laura Powell

12:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my son with all my heart and soul. I feel the need to thank some people.

One morning my wife called me while I was on a job site.(this has become Zack catch up time from the previous evening and next morning events).I went outside to talk to her. She asked if I had time to listen to a recent entry on Zack's web site.Of course.She proceeded to read to me and we proceeded to cry together while she read.

Our souls were lifted beyond belief.This amazingly happens 2 or 3 times a day. From people we have never met that leave postings, to doctors, nurses, attendants, strangers that we have come in contact with. To the people that we were acquaintances that have turned into dear friends. To good friends that have done for us undescribable things. To my dear brothers. To my mom and dad, we were already extremely close, now it's so beautiful.

To my wife....she could never be more beautiful to me. No makeup,instead of hours on her hair-five minutes. No sleep,stress beyond belief,she is a godly wife!Ladies, you can't buy this in a bottle or from a surgeons hands, or in a department store. Nothing could compare to the beauty of this godly woman.

People are so sweet,loving and compassionate. I've hugged men I hardly knew, accepted hugs from kids to cool to hug a parent. Cried with big hurly he men! What the heck is going on here?!?!

I think I can tell you. It is Gods hand reaching out and touching us all! I believe Jesus is the Christ, son of the living God, our lord and savior. Through the precious lips of Jesus please hear our prayers.Amen.
Loving father

12:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Zach's daily progress. I am praying for Zach unceasingly. The God of all that is and ever will be loves Zach. I work in our high school youth group dept at another church. I will encourage each child to log onto this site in addition to their quiet time. God is good and his mercies endure forever and he loves Zach. How awsome is He!!!!


10:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see pictures of Zack. He looks like he has come so far! I know when I was in the waiting room that day, and even after that, I wished I could put a face to this boy named "Zack" that I've never met. When I finally got this website I was so happy to finally see him and put a face to a name. He is a handsome young man (now I know why all those girls were in the waiting room that day). I feel so blessed to have been there that day. I know God put me there for a reason. I have been so touched by Zack's recovery and your amazing faith! I look at things a little differently now. I cherish the small things with my kids that I once took for granted. I've learned by your example, even though its from a computer and I don't know your family personally. So I thank you for the witness you are. I know that you all are tired and somedays you may not know if you can handle another day. God seems to give you strength and the endurance you need to face anything. I'm sure just by seeing your precious son smiling again and all his accomplishments so far makes it worth all the sleepless nights. I continue to pray for you all! I did my bible study today and I kept coming across these words "unfailing love". It made me think of your family and Zack. Remember to always put your hope in his "unfailing Love" and He will never let you down!!
ALWAYS Praying for Zack,

11:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are in our thoughts and prayers

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a parent, my heart goes out to you and your family. Zack's progress is certainly a great source of hope and proof of God's great love. I'm in awe of how humble you seem, so many things you must be feeling, yet, you hold on to your faith and love for God. You express your feelings so well. I can feel the tears, the smiles, the hopes and the fears in your words.

A young friend of mine, Lynn Vaughn, told me of Zack, and I'm using Zack's testimony through you, on my Wednesday night class of teens. With school just getting started,the excitement, the "nothing can happen" feeling that most teens feel....I know that Zack's story will have a very deep impact on all those who hear of it. You'll probably never know just how many lives Zack's story will affect, change, and perhaps even save. God bless you and your family. God has special plans for Zack here. He's already a miracle. And you are doing a great thing by sharing this time with us all. MY thoughts and prayers are with you.

3:20 PM

4:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been praying for Zack and your family. God is our healer and our prayers are being heard.

I feel the real need to ask you, now that Zack can eat real food, have you looked up brain power foods? I feel this is very important for him. Some foods and drinks are really bad for our brain. Coke happens to be one of the bad things on the list. I feel very strongly about this. Please look it up on the net. I feel it will help him.

You all are so blessed to have eachother. You will find the answers you seek.

Peace and Gods hand upon you.

4:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is so great to see the pics of zack. he looks so much like he did when i would see him in the halls at cal, it's amazing. i can't believe how much better he's already gotten and i know that progress will just keep on continuing.
remember that God has a definite plan for Zack's life, like it says in habakkuk 1:5, and that this is just another step in it. he is sovereign over us all and knows what he's doing! i've already seen the glory he's gotten from this, which began as a tragedy. i'm still praying for you all, as are so many others.

6:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the amazing testimony you are sharing with so many people. Every time i read this, i marvel at the strength and faith of your family; it's such an encouragement and inspiration! Zack is in my homeroom and it's so different and quiet without him there-he always made the mornings fun and interesting! i am amazed at how this has united the school as a family-praying together and sharing thoughts. As i read each update, my heart goes out to zack and your family- i frequently tear up but also smile with each little victory. Stay strong and continue to rely on the Great Comfortor! Your in my family's prayers and mine daily!
jessi schaper =)
Isaiah 40:29-31

7:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eilene I know it's been several days since we have talked, but not a day goes by that I don't think about you and Zack and say a little prayer. You are one of the most amazing women I've ever met. I myself feel blessed to even know you. You have become such an inspriation to me, your faith and love for God astounds me. I have always thought I have faith but to see how you have handled these past weeks makes me want to strive to know God the way that you do. So you see, Zach is not the only one who has touched so many, you have also !!!!!! I have always known that God works in mysterious ways, and this is just one more fine example, Iam just so sorry that it had to be so extreme but you and your family are bringing more and more people to God everyday with Zack's amazing recovery and your beautiful faith. much love, dana v.

11:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott & Eileen -

With tears in our eyes, having just received your voice mail, we have been sitting silently next to each other reading through Zacks website. Our hearts are so incredibly heavy. Zack doesn't remember us and we haven't seen him since he was in diapers, but that doesn't lessen the dear memories we have of playing with him and taking him to Disneyland as a baby. He is still in our photo albums! I remember laughing so hard with him playing in moving boxes while you guys were packing for your move back to Kentucky. We have been miles apart for years but you were always on our minds and in our hearts. We will never know the agony and despair you have been through and we pray that those are shoes we will never have to walk in. But we do know the good Lord is powerful and almighty and can and will perform miracles for those who believe. Reading through your entries Eileen, your faith is astounding. It is evident that our Lord is not walking with you but carrying you through this ordeal. Embrase his love and allow him to provide you with peace. Your son Zack will be OK. You and your family will be OK too. We both wish we could be there with you providing you support but from across the miles we give you our prayers and love. We love you always, your friends,
Tom & Julie Giffin

2:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi eileen - thank you for sharing the pics of zack and his recovery - i loved the pic of zack w/ scott and with the kids. your last entry sounded as if you are tiring and i prayed this morning for zack's recovery but also strength and patience for you and your family. you again mentioned zack being more aware of his appearance - of course i smile when you say he is looking at his teeth. i would still ove to bring him a childs spin brush, floss, stickers whatever for the office that would life his spirits - please let me know if i can do/bring anything. the hornbacks continue to stay in my daily prayers. luve, jules (dentist office) juleslo@hotmail.com

8:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen I need your email address so now you can email me back and I will have it. Ha Ha
Praying, Missing and Loving you.

9:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you each day. Now that school is back in session I am sure that your life is even more hectic than before. I know it must be hard as a parent for you and Scott to be pulled in so many different ways. Three kids in school, jobs, chores,running kids to and from and mostly being there to help a child through something so big and probably wishing he were at school with the rest of your kids. You are truly and inspiration to others at how you are both handling this. I sometimes have to stop and get over myself when I think I can't handle it all, and you help me so much, by seeing you handle it all and much more. I know that your strength comes from God, because when I stop and give it to him and ask him to get me through things, things that would be really difficult or impossible, are possible with him.

Just keep letting him carry you and you will get through all of this and on the other side of it, God wil truly have blessings beyond belief.

I thank you both Scott and Eileen for just being willing to share this with us and for helping us to put things in perspective.

10:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with Zack and the Hornback family. He looks so good and from reading the posts sounds like he is doing much better. Thanks Mrs. Hornback for keeping everyone informed on how Zack is doing. God Bless.

6:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hornbacks...I Love reading this everyday and coming up to the hospital to spend some time with Zack. Everytime i come he is doing better and better. You all have been so strong and such a witness to everyone around. Hearing everyone talk at school about how good Zack is doing is so encouraging. See ya at the hospital soon! You all are still in my prayers!
Love KeLsey Slade

6:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen, Sorry I need your email address. Thanks,

8:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I missed you so much at school today, its just not the same with out you. I hope to be able to see you soon
love yah
Suzanne McDonald

8:59 PM

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11:53 PM


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