Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thursday August 18, 2005

Thursday August 18, 2005 Before I got to Zack’s room this morning I ran into Dr. Miller in the hall. He told me that Zack was talking to him a lot more. He said that Zack was calmer this morning because yesterday he had to chase him around the room to evaluate him. Dr. Miller was rounding at a pediatric office and met Liz Curtis Higgs son who asked him if he knew Zack. It seems like everyone knows about him now. When I walk into his room he is lying in bed but he is dressed. He likes chilling out in his bed. He is laughing at what his nurse Dana is talking about. He sees me and when I reach down to hug him he says, “ I’ve been waiting to hug you sweetie”. He eats all his lunch. I brought pictures of Dylan, Kyle and Logan in and showed them to Zack to see if he knew who they were. He knew Dylan and Kyle but said Logan was his Mom. I told him to stop teasing me because he knew Logan wasn’t his Mom and he said, “I wouldn’t be tease you if we weren’t sitting here”. He said he thinks all these questions are silly. Dr. Mook came in and told us our Family Meeting is set up for next Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. This is a required meeting for all who will care for Zack and his team of doctors. They will discuss what we can expect over the next month and their plans for Zack. He said something about Nicole (one of the girls in the accident) and said he wanted to see her. 9:00 speech in the room with Kathy and he is so talkative. He said “good morning” and when asked the name of this place he answered, “one ugly bed”. He sure spends a lot of time in it to think it was ugly. He kept looking at the clock and wanting to know when he would leave for P.T./O.T. They played hide and seek with the pictures of Kyle and Logan. They waited a long time and he remembered where they hid them. Kathy is very excited. Zack smiled and told her he had a dream last night (he couldn’t tell us what it was about). Then she asked him to count and he counted in Spanish!!!! He said “WoW. She said my name is Kathy in Spanish and he answered in Spanish. How cool is that! He said the months very clearly and knew the year was 2005. When it was time to leave he hugged Kathy and said thank you and goodbye. He lay down and said, “That was fun”. He is a total delight this morning. 10:00 P.T./O.T. they give him tiny pegs and he has to put them in tiny holes. He did not want to use his right hand and was very unhappy about it. He acknowledged that his eyes were blurry. Mary Beth (O.T.) thinks he may be having some vision problems. He passed a ball between his legs but when they tried to get him to pass it behind his back he just turned in a circle. They decided to work on his right arm mobility on the mat. They were stretching his shoulder, ribs and back. It hurt and he cried. They had him do 10 knee pushups. They started using weighted balls and had him hold them out in from of him for 15 seconds. They did various extensions of that to strengthen the supporting muscles around the arms, rib cage and spine. They put him a weight lifting bar together and had him lift his arms over his head. He cried out loudly but was determined to do it 10 times. It was very hard but he did it. Then he wanted to know how much weight he was lifting (7 lbs.). It was a good morning in the gym and he was proud of himself. Back in his room he couldn’t wait to get his shoes off and lay dawn. Lunch arrives and it is time for him to get up. He did much better but didn’t finish everything. He got up and said he was full and didn’t want any more. He got back in bed to relax some more and when it was time to go to speech he didn’t want to get up. We had to call Dana to help us because he really didn’t want to go. I think he would just lie in bed all day if we let him (sound familiar to all those parents of teenagers). In speech Kathy had him playing UNO the card game. He correctly played the first card. They played several hands before Zack got tired of it. Then Kathy got out some money. He correctly identified the dime and knew it was worth 10 and a nickel was 5. Might have to bring poker chips in for him to mess with. P.T./O.T. in the gym with Kathy and Mary Beth. They had him put supplies in a file cabinet and stack boxes on shelves. He shots some baskets and did a puzzle forcing him to use his right hand. He did the entire puzzle with that hand. Back to the room and back to bed. He took a good nap and finally got up when dinner came. He finished everything so now I am going to pay more attention on what meals he struggles with finishing. Dana (day nurse) said that he does not have to eat 100% of each meal (they give him more than I could eat). Visitors started to arrive and we decide to go for a ride in his chair. Walking through Jewish Hospital we run into Nicole and her Dad and then Averi and her Mom. After our walk we go back up to the room and Zack gets back in bed. He seems tired and plus he really likes his bed. He is working his way through several stages and some of then have specific challenges. Right now Zack seems to want to pull his pants down. We have to be careful and watch him now around visitors until we get to the next hurdle. He goes back and forth to the bed all evening. I finally request his shower thinking that night relax him enough to stay. After he gets settled in bed I ask him if we can pray. He closes his eyes and I say the 23 Psalm, When I am finish I ask him to say it with me. He remembers and recites every other sentence (I say one, he says the one that follows). I tell him he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He starts to cry and asks “what if Jesus leaves me:” I explain that Jesus will never leave him and not to be afraid. That seems to calm him down. He always closes his eyes when he prays and is quiet. He is now sleeping peacefully I can’t help wondering what he dreamed about. I hope it is of green pastures and quiet waters. Please pray that Zack will feel the loving arms of Jesus around him tonight and will not be afraid. Take time to pray for your own teenagers, friends and family members that God will gently discipline them in their disobedience. Pray for his continued recovery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Again, after reading your most recent entries I am in awe of your strentgh. You sounded so solid and positive on the phone this morning and it was actually very calming to hear your voice. Both Tom and I remained very unsettled today with constant thoughts and talks about Zack. My mind has been so preoccupied by the news that I have been in constant prayer for Zack and the whole family. I spoke with my sister today (she lives in New York) and told her about the website and she sat crying as she read through the entries. I asked her to keep you in her prayers. Your dedication to this website is touching many lives...thank you for keeping us connected. I feel so helpless being so far away but I will continue to pray for Zack's complete recovery and peace and strength for your family. You are a pillar of strength Eileen. May the Lord bless and keep you always.
Love always, your friend,
23991 Goldeneye Drive
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

1:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen,
I am Erica's Mother-in-law. I helped Brianna and Erica make the pillow for Zack. Erica keeps me updated on him, but when I get the chance, I come to this website to read your journals. You are an inspiration to everyone. Your faith in our Father is unfailing. My Nephew had a similar accident about a couple of weeks after Zack's. He was much luckier than Zack, but still had to have brain surgery. He is doing fine now, but will need more surgeries later. We will keep you and your family in our prayers. By the way, your whole family is awesome! Garry and I love Erica and Brianna with all of our hearts. Take care and keep up that wonderful spirit.

10:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You looked so tired last night. You have been amazing these past 6 weeks, but I just wish we could do more to help you. Please take a break once in a while and let us take over care duty for a few hours. Jay and I would be glad to fill-in while you get some much needed rest and recuperation in the evening. Your health is fragile right now and you need to guard it. Your entries on this website have been so beautifully written. You have truly put your heart and soul into chronicling this for Zack. I am confident that someday he will read this and be astounded at your love and endurance throughout this ordeal. Meanwhile, I know the girls miss you and I would love to allow you to have some quality time with them and Dylan and Scott as well. All you have to do is ask.

10:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen and Scott,

I'm soo elated that Zack is making such amazing progess. I can hardly wait until I can get there to see him and hopefully give you a hand. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this website to keep me updated. It makes me feel like I am there with you. Your entire family is an example of how the Lord works in our lives. The last two posts were great and both made me laugh and cry. I pray for Zach and you and Scott daily. I'm very proud of my little sister and her family and their faith. Love you and miss you all... see you soon.


11:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen and Logan: I believe Zach's comments about Logan's picture was very simple. When I saw the first photo last month, with Scott and the girls, I called Aunt Penny and said Eileen got one that looks like her. Zach looked at Logan's photo and saw his Mom. She is special just like you are.

Thanks to everyone who have been able to help. Please keep up your tremendous support and loving prayers.

Love, Dianne Cooper (California Cousin)

12:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Katherine and I'm a freshman in college. I have no idea how I ran across this blog, but I've been keeping tabs on Zack and have been in prayer for him. His progress is encouraging and your strength is an inspiration. Know that there are many familes and churches around the Augusta area praying for his recovery. God bless.

5:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen & Scott,

You are in my constant thoughts & prayers. Zach's progress is truly amazing and so is your faith. Sending you peace,


5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs- Hornback

Hello, I'm Lilly, Liz Higg's daughter... You probably don't know me, but I sat in front of Zack all last year in English. He used to tap the papers on the back of my head when passing them up, and I'd always have to appologize when I flicked my hair back and it thwacked him in the face(I'm sorry Zack!!) my family has been praying for him ever since the accident. He is in my prayers as well, and Zack will ALWAYS be a part of Class of '07.

Jesus provides!

10:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hornbacks,
when i read the entry today we are so amazed how much zack has improved. we pray constantly everyday to have that miracle, we know God is sending to us through our love faith and hope. No one will ever leave zack not Jesus, not anyone. zack is like a star that everyone is praying for day and night.
we love you zack,
morgan getz and courtney johnson

12:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mrs. hornback,
im so happy everytime i hear how well zack is doing it makes me glad. everyone really misses him at school and i know i think about him alot. hes doing so much better!
Gods taking good care of him.
ill keep him in my prayers,

11:56 PM

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11:53 PM


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