Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday September 18, 2005

Sunday September 18, 2005 Mrs. Funderburk came this morning so that Rita (who usually fills in on Sunday morning) could go to church with us. He ate all his breakfast, got dressed and told her, “Let’s go to the Keys”. They went to the Chestnut Café in Jewish and she showed him where she parked her car outside. He couldn’t get over how old it was. They went to the gym and did some lightweight lifting. She worked with him on opposites and object identification. They used the letter and number chart and discussed values. After a while he is ready to quit, play some C.D.’s and dance. He decides the nurses need to come and check out his moves so while we were in church he was entertaining Mrs. Funderburk and the staff. He wants to go for a walk while listening to his Walkman. They walk around the block and enjoy a beautiful day. Zack sings the lyrics to the songs and they watch themselves dance in the reflecting mirrors outside the parking garage. A lady in the gift shop told Zack he had beautiful eyes and Mrs. Funderburk writes “They are beautiful, but there is something more awesome and beautiful behind those eyes. Zack is my reminder of how fearfully and wonderfully we are made”. Mrs. Funderburk…another blessing God has sent us! They have time to review letters and numbers and object identification before he is ready to rest. Scott shows up with Waffle House and the three of them have a feast. When I arrive Scott takes the girls home and Zack is ready to take a nap. Someone from Southeast Christian Church arrives with communion for Zack. He brings his daughters with him. After we pray and they leave Zack tells me, “That one girl was tight”. I ask him which one and he explained that I had complimented her on her skirt. He raises his eyebrows and again says, “She was tight” (for those of you who aren’t up on the lingo “tight” is good). I catch up to them in the hall and tell her Dad that Zack thought she was tight. He told me she was in 8th grade (she looked older). I go back and tell Zack she was in 8th grade and he said he liked 8th graders. I think he just appreciates pretty girls. 2:00 Speech with Kathy and he has trouble with object identification unless he is given the 1st sound. Can give the function of an object (fork, pencil) most of the time. She gave him an object and two written words and he correctly picked the word that identified the object every time. Kathy explained that sometimes he goes to fast and identifies objects wrong. He is still impulsive with his answers. Once he realizes that he is mixing up his words then the aphasia will get better. He can’t stop something that he is not conscious of doing (kind of like biting your nails). A bunch of friends arrive, seven pretty girls and Andrew. We all take a walk around the building outside. We go to the conference room and play an exciting game of hot potato with 8 people and 8 balls. We get back to the room and are just sitting there talking when Zack says; “My friends don’t think Dad is a good supervisor so we will have to find somebody else” (I’m not sure where that thought came from). I tell him I’ll supervise and he says, “Just you?” I ask him if he thinks we need more chaperones and he responds, “Well yeah, look how many people we have”! I think Zack is planning a party. He decides he is hungry and we should go to McDonalds. I think we made quite an impression, about a dozen teenagers walking through the halls on our way to McDonalds. He gets a Big Mac and chooses a place to sit in the back. The kids gather around him and they talk about their friends. Then out of nowhere Zack says, “I love black people. If you knew one you would love them too”. He must have been thinking about his friend Rick Thompson who is away at Western. Zack loved him; they had their own handshake. I’m sure on his next visit home Rick will come by to dance with Zack. We walk to the Heart & Lung Building. The Security Guards all know him and wave to Zack. One of them had told us there was an outside balcony on the 7th floor so we want to go check it out. Unfortunately the door was locked but the walk was pleasant (we will check that balcony out tomorrow). This crowd of friends says goodbye and before long another group arrives. Trey, Nick and Chas play Texas Hold Um with Zack and I am impressed that he remembers how to play (and wins several hands). They compliment him on the shoes some of the girls signed and gave him for his birthday. Nick asked Zack if he could “have um”. Zack says, “I know what your saying. Can I have them”? We all crack up…Zack is correcting Nick’s English! They were having a great time, whooping it up so that the staff had to come make sure everything was OK. The guys leave so Kaitlyn and her Mom are left to enjoy Zack’s company. They ask him if he has a girlfriend now and he says yes. They discuss what she looks like and ask Zack her name. He says, “personification”. Wow, big word, can you define that for us. He says, “yes, a person plus an onification”. He may have aphasia but he sure knows how to use it to get a laugh. Finally they have to say goodbye and Zack is ready to climb into bed. He had a lot of visitors today and really enjoyed himself. He spoke about going home but he understands we can’t leave just yet. Zack falls asleep quickly and I think about the day. I remember how earlier when the room was full of people and we sang a song from church. Someone sent us the words to “I Will Never Be the Same Again” and it is so appropriate for the time we are in. I wish you could hear the melody but you will have to be content just to read the words. Listen carefully as Zack sings:

I will never be the same again
I can never return, I’ve closed the door
I will walk the path, I’ll run the race
And I will never be the same again

Fall like fire, soak like rain
Flow like mighty waters again and again
Sweep away the darkness
Burn away the chaff
And let a flame burn to glorify Your Name

There are higher heights
There are deeper seas
Whatever you need to do, Lord, do in me
The glory of God fills my life
And I will never be the same again

Will any of us every be the same after witnessing first hand the awesome power of God. To know that our cries reach even to the ears of heaven and our prayers are answered. Hear us now Oh Lord. Please pray that Zack will be aware of the words he is saying so the aphasia will end. Pray for complete recovery to glorify God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i finally got to see zack today after a few weeks and i can't get over the progress he has made! you can tell GOD is here every step of the way! he was making me laugh so much and he truly makes me happy to see him and how well he is doing! i hope to come visit again soon & again if you need dinner just let terri know to tell my mom, we'd be more than happy to help in anyway we can! zack & your family are in my prayers constantly!
Ashley Smialek


10:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen -

It makes me smile to hear of Zack's time with his friends. He has such an amazing support group that makes him laugh and smile and goof around like a normal teenager during a time that is so far from normal. Zack and his friends are Godly people that continue to be blessed by our Lord and continue to bless each other with fellowship. As always, I continue to pray for Zacks full recovery and will give special emphasis this week that Zack overcomes the aphasia. God Bless you r family ,

"For you bless the Godly, O Lord, surrounding them with your shield of love. Psalm 5:12

1:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40;31

8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

eileen, as usual - i am laughing out loud at zack's 'funnies' - i am amazed at his continuing recovery - his testimony to God - it is so touching. i hope you and scott enjoyed your date - i am sure it was needed - keep us posted with the discharge plans and anything we can do....thinking of you, jules

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Hornback,
I dont know Zack but everyday I read up on him and I follow him everyday. I pray each day that I wake up and befor I go to bed that I will one day meet Zack. His accident has changed my life FOREVER! He is an amazing person and I thank God everyday (as my whole family does) that he will recover soon.I know that he can do it and I will continue to pray for Zack and his family. You have all remained so strong through this whole thing. God is so amazing! I cant wait til I meet Zack for the first time.
I pray that everything that needs healing on Zack will heal. God Blesses those who need to be Blessed. He is Blessing Your Family, and I'm so thankful for that!


Once again thanks so much for posting how Zack is doing on this website. Its a great help and I know that it must be hard for you to do daily!

I am always praying..

3:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Zack is still singing. That is an amazing song though, that he has closed the door. On my teachers board every day it says pray for Zach Hornback. Even though he has never taught at CAL before, he sayss that Zach is an amzing testimony to all of us. Thank you for speaking at our school for the high school already and for coming to see us soon. I am still praying!!
Love you Eileen, Rita, Scott, Kyle, Dylan, Logan, and the rest of the family!! LOVE YOU ZACH!!!

with love
~Savannah linscott

6:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear mr && mrs hornback... i am a student at kcd and ive known zack for about a year now. i was wondering if there was any way that you could email me because i would like to get something together to help you guys out with everything that you are going through. so many people that i go to school with that have never met him are praying for him every day and everyone wants to help you guys out. if you could just email me at that would be great. thanks - hayley

6:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"person" plus "onification" too too funny. He is precious (I guess "precious" is not really what a 15 yr. old boy would like to called!) That mind of his is really working, some of the things that he says are incredibly smart. Just think when he gets it all unscrambled, Glory to God!
Take care Hornbacks, praying daily,
The Metzlers

8:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved hearing about Zach's girlfriend. "Person with onification" If I heard my child say that I would be pushing for the ivy league track. I continue to keep up the prayers. Stay strong God Bless

8:26 AM

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