Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Thursday February 28, 2006

Tuesday February 28, 2006 Zack’s first day back in school was an incredible blessing. He had trouble sleeping last night, partly because he was so excited and partly because his new medication was upsetting his stomach. He asked me to wake him early so he would have plenty of time to get ready (of course he had to look good for the ladies) but when I got him up at 6:45 he told me he didn’t go to sleep until 1:00 AM. When we arrived at school I had to take a picture of him in the parking lot (he was worried someone might see us) because 6 months ago this day was unthinkable. I told Zack that my heart was beating fast as we walked to the front door because this was such a big day. We went to the office to get his locker assignment and started seeing all his friends in the hall. His first session with Carol Britton in Rhythmic Writing went better than she expected. He embraced the whole process and later even told us he liked it. He did equally as well in Instrumental Enrichment. A work sheet that typically takes a student 30 minutes to complete he finished in 8 minutes. I watched over his shoulder as he connected dots to create the appropriate squares and triangles and he was able to find them amongst these random dots much faster that I could. He had World Civilization and they started a new chapter on Ghandi and have a paper to write. He told Carol and I he wants to do the paper himself and plans on getting an A. He also had Honors Algebra II (a class he has not taken yet) and was a little lost as his teacher began a new lesson (apparently other students had difficulty as well). In computer they were given an assignment to research a company that they were familiar with and put together a PowerPoint presentation. His computer teacher told him he could do it on himself and Zack has decided that is what he wants to do. It could end up being his testimony of what has happened to him and how he has come this far. I won’t want to miss the day he gives his presentation. Since his Bible teacher was on a field trip he worked with Carol through that period but he will have Bible on Thursday. He is pleased that he gets to go to school on Thursday because they have Chapel and he says he can’t wait to worship. He was all smiles today, delighted that he was back in school with his friends and not wanting me hanging around too much. Carol told me he even saw Dylan in the hallway and called him over to give him a hug. His homeroom teacher stopped me in the hallway and asked if there was a way Zack could come and visit them in the morning. In high school you have the same homeroom all four years and these students were really expecting to see Zack this morning. Instead he starts each day with Carol so they were very disappointed. We are making arrangements for him to be able to start later with Carol this Thursday so he can visit his old homeroom class again. Tonight he wanted to go to the first basketball District Championship game but had to go to soldier practice. He will have pageant practice from 6:00 – 10:00 nearly every night now until the pageant is over on March 30th. He is not in every scene so he is able to take his laptop and books to do his homework when he is not required to be on stage. Everything seems to be falling right in place. He is still dealing with aphasia but it is much better. We will have to explain old terms and new concepts but we are very fortunate to have Carol working with him. She is very positive, encouraging and believes in him, which has proven to be his best motivation. I have had several conversations with her about how determination and attitude will take you farther in many areas than pure ability. It seems when concepts are just out of his grasp he pushes himself to prove he can do it. He still obviously has God walking beside him, guiding him, whispering words of encouragement, revealing Himself daily. We are profoundly affected by the power of prayer and how it has become the catalyst for getting us through each obstacle. Zack’s headaches have disappeared as quickly as they came upon him. His memory for past events improves every day. He is acing every drivers quiz they give him at Frazier (ok maybe that one is not such a blessing considering the next step is actually letting him drive). His first day back in school couldn’t have gone any better. We are pushing forward. His attitude is positive and one trusting in God’s perfect plan. The next few weeks will be a true test of his stamina (with late night pageant practice) and an opportunity to be a testimony to God’s awesome power. We ask for your continued prayers for complete recovery for the Glory of God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear that the day went so well! It just brings a tear to my eye of joy and happiness to see how much progress Zack has made in, when you think about it, just a matter of a few months. I never stopped thinking about Zack all day today and said many prayers that his first day back was as hoped. I put a picture on my screen of my phone of him playing pool the first night he was home from the hospital so everytime I opened my phone I would see him and think about his first day back at school. STAY THE COURSE Zack! You amaze me every day! Love you all!

2:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's wonderful that he is back in school. I'm so happy that things are going well and I pray that they continue.

9:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for continuing the updates. I noticed in Sunday's bulletin that you will be speaking at Westport Road Church of Christ soon. I am looking forward to seeing you in person and hearing you speak for the first time. I hope Zack will be there, too!


3:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an incredible day for you all! Who would of thought?!

6:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a huge blessing!! I know you thought this day would never come. I continually pray for Zack. Every time I think of Zack and how far he has come it makes me realize how powerful our God is, and that nothing is impossible with Him. I am so glad that you still faithfully update this website. I will keep praying!!
Kristy Noland

11:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i AM S0 GlAd 2 SEE ZACk bACk At Sk00l! hE'S iNSPiRiNG!

4:33 PM


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