Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday October 24, 2005

Monday October 24, 2005 Zack was up at 7:00 this morning and was ready to go early. On the way to Frazier East he told me that he needed to get his drivers license. When I asked him why he was so anxious to start driving he said, “Because I’m 16!” I told him he would have to talk with his Occupational Therapist because she was the one who determined when he was ready to drive. He said, “Really, I have to talk to her? Will she be there today?” He is so anxious to start living his life again. He will have to take a special driving class (after his O.T. writes a letter recommending him for the class) before he can take the test, which is also different and much harder than the standard one everyone else takes. He might be ready but we can’t even think about him driving away in a car with his friends driving. When we arrive at Frazier he has a half hour before therapy begins and he says he is really tired. He lies down on a therapy mat in the gym thinking that he will get a quick nap in before the day starts. He only got to rest a few minutes before he was told he needed to write down his schedule. He uses a 3-ring binder and keeps a daily schedule and log of activities. This enables me to ask him questions, sometimes calling the therapist for clarifications, and keep track of his progress. His handwriting has improved a lot in the last two weeks. It actually isn’t much worse than before the accident (which isn’t saying a lot) but his spelling needs lots of work. He had two different sessions of speech therapy today (which is really what he needs) and also worked out with weights in P.T. He still needs to build up his endurance and his strength (especially on his right side). He really likes working with Scott (O.T. student) and I think it is because there are very few male therapists and he likes the male bonding. On the way home he told me he was very tired and wanted to take a nap really bad. I explained that he would have time for about an hour or so before we would be eating dinner. He wanted to wait until 7:00 to eat so that he would have longer time to sleep but I reminded him that his friends would probably be visiting tonight so he needed to be ready.
We didn’t have any visitors yesterday which worked out well. Scott had taken Zack and Dylan to watch the Packers football game in the afternoon. Zack was very disappointed that they lost. I ended up with a headache and took a nap (sorry I didn’t post). When Zack came home from the game he took a two hour nap and got up for dinner at 7:00. By 9:00 he was asking me if he could go to bed and I told him he had to wait until 10:00. He came in again at 9:30 pleading with me to let him go to sleep. Finally at 9:54 he kissed me and said it was over, he had to get in that bed.
After dinner Tiffany arrives, then Taylor and her Mom. Andrew comes in right before Brittany and Kara and then Avery and Caroline. All is well…Zack’s friends are here. They play pool and talk about the latest gossip, helping him be a normal teenager. This is the therapy that he enjoys, even when he is tired. Gradually they begin to leave and at 9:00 Zack starts talking about bed again. He manages to stay up another hour playing cards and pool with Scott before coming in to tell me goodnight. He is not singing and dancing like he was at Frazier Rehab (I think he got that out of his system) but he is still very sweet. I don’t know what other changes we might see in his personality but so far they have all been positive. I made arrangements today to speak to the Highland Baptist Youth Group at their Wednesday night gathering on November 16th. I read all the postings and agree that middle school students need to hear this message of “seemingly innocent choices”, parental authority and the power of prayer, as much as high school students. Other than through church youth groups the only way I know to reach these kids is through independent organizations (like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes). I will follow wherever God leads me. He has blessed us and continues to show mercy by healing Zack. To say that we feel lucky almost seems like an insult because the hand of God is far more powerful. His whisper changes lives just as his breathe created it. God has been preparing our family for many years to be a tool; although we couldn’t see it until His gentle hand wiped away the tears. He knew that “zack is the only way to show you” and therefore has turned a tragedy into a testimony to His Glory. I envision a “Stay the Course” ministry one day that has teenagers reaching out to other teens to hold them accountable for their actions. A source of information for parents to understand that, because of that underdeveloped frontal lobe, teenagers are not capable of always making good decisions so God gave parents authority and responsibility to help them make wise choices. Parenting (especially teenagers) is the most important, difficult and rewarding job God created. We need to embrace it and work at it as if working directly for God. I want to thank all of those who posted recently to let us know they are still reading and praying. We are seeing a lot of improvement with the aphasia and Zack has blossomed since coming home. We are humbled to realize that Dallas was not in God’s plan but how perfect our situation is now. Can you hear His whispering…wait until tomorrow! Continue praying for complete recovery and that His will be done. What a blessing is God’s perfect plan.

Psalm: 32:22 “The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello,i am a cal parent of 2 middleschoolers,diana and alivia.they r 13 and 14(7th & 8th)we have been praying 4 u all since we heard of zacks accident.i am a single mom raising di & liv with God.i pray 4 their daily bread 4 today and tomorrow. it is odd to think of the things out there that can wipe out all the work weve put into raising them to be the way we want them,they have free will and that is scary.they make friends in places i havent chosen.scary again.God keeps telling me not to worry that he is in control,not me or i do my best and they do their best and we pray 4 Gods blessings to help us with each minute of each hour.i am so very greatful that God put them at cal. i love that school!to know they study the bible and learn scripture that God wants them to know is the best i could ask for them in these years.and the christian inviorment they r in during the day is explosivlly awsome that God put them there 4 me.i love it! we dont know what the next minute will bring, i have learned to not look at it but to keep my eyes and attention focused on God. and i do.their dad is an abusive alcoholic who is so fallen into the world.they dont get what they need from him.we dont own anything in this world,we rent our house and car. we have no money left after the bills r paid.we do have joy ,lots of it,we r happy,very happy.we love each other till death do us part.God has me and di& liv right where he wants us,depending on him 4 everything.i appreciate u & ZACK COMING TO CAL AND sharing your testamony, it defently helped my girls understand what i mean when i tell them,no u cant do this or that.they understand the front lobal isnt developed until they r 23 and they need to listen to me.thank u for letting us into ur world,u helped us and we have and prayers,joni

1:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading and praying, still being fascinated and amazed everytime! He's still on my church and bible study prayer list too. There is so much love for Zack all around! Thank you for keeping us updated.

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still read the site constantly and am so thankful Zack has come so far. I know it must be alot to keep writing all the time with so many other responsibilities, but what an inspiration all of you have been and what a witness to so many. I have grandchildren in CAL that know Zach so I feel a special connection and know how important it is to get the message out to teens about responsible choices. May God continue to bless all of you and we look forward to Zach's complete recovery.

3:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey zack!!!! i just was wantin to tell you that i hope you get your license soon coz i know you will be a great driver. i am still praying for you and the whole family every day. i saw dylan at school and that was great to talk to him again. well i love you all and especially you Zack!!! youre my hero!!!

love you
~savannah linscott

5:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tears of joy flow with each post and comment...May God bless and hold you closley...

7:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was recently getting my hair done and was chatting with the stylist. We got around to where our kids go to school. I said "CAL" and the stylist said "Oh I know someone from CAl...Zach Hornback". I said "Oh, you know Zach?" She said "Oh, I have never met him, but I feel like I know him. I have read the site daily since July. I don't know anyone who DOESN'T know Zach!" How amazing that every where I go, everyone I know, and everyone they know...knows Zach. I would love to know the amount of prayers logged into heaven on Zach's behalf. Our God is an awesome God and our community of believers has bonded together because of Zach's accident and your willingness to let God use your story to reach so many people. I was going to forward the address to a friend in northern Indiana and she already had heard about it from someone in Michigan who sent it to her from someone in Illinois!!! Wow!

10:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

just so you all know the hornbacks are the greatest family i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. thanks for the updates all the time. i love zack so much and it moves me how many people have heard this story and have changed their lives over it. i know it changed my life dramatically. i think of everything differently. and at school every day before we leave i make amends to anyone who i may have hurt that day and i make sure that everyone knows i care about them and that i love them. so thank you so much hornbacks for sharing your story with us so that i can make things right because i am not guaranteed tomorrow. i love you guys SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. dylan, logan, kyle, zack, scott, eileen, rita, and the rest of the fmily that i havent met: YOU ALL ARE THE MOST WONDERFUL FAMILY I HAVE EVER KNOWN!!!! parents in this family: keep teaching your kids baout Christs love and His life. you have already done a great job. keep up the good work.

well love you all
~savannah linscott

6:03 PM

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1:40 AM


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