Sunday, October 23, 2005

Saturday October 22, 2005

Saturday October 22, 2005 Zack slept until nearly 11:00 today before getting up to eat cereal (Mamma don’t cook a big breakfast at 11:00) and take a shower. He informed me he was going to Trey’s today to hang out and I told him his Dad wanted to take him to watch football. He said O.K. Most of the time he is still very cooperative and compliant (a wonderful trait in a teenager…another blessing). I remind Scott that Zack has to be back by 2:00 because someone special was coming to talk with him and he said no problem since he had a big tennis match. Sidebar: Scott had been mouthing off to one of the other Dads whose son played football with Dylan and was now on the tennis team with him. Scott challenge Officer Brett Adkins to a tennis match and today was the big game. They had both been talking smack to each other but right before the game Brett informs Scott that he has played on a tennis team for the last three years and plays every week. Scott played in high school and hasn’t played in quite a while. Let’s just say although Scott didn’t win he didn’t embarrass himself. At 2:00 Scott Davis arrives to meet Zack. Scott had a snow plow accident when he was a senior at KCD and suffered a traumatic brain injury. It happened on Christmas Eve and he ended up at University, Frazier Rehab and Frazier East just like Zack. His story is great encouragement. He completed his senior year, got his Bachelors Degree in Economics at Duke University and is now at Vanderbilt getting his Masters in Economics. Although he didn’t have his scull removed he suffered more physical injuries/side effects than Zack. He was paralyzed on his right side and damaged the nerve to the left side of his face. His accident was six years ago this December and he just regained the ability to whistle last month. He also had aphasia but it was gone by the time he started college. He said Zack would do fine and had several advantages, namely no physical impairments. His advice to Zack was to not be embarrassed about his accident and try to hide it once he gets to college. Scott said that once he went to Duke he decided not to let anyone know of his injuries and became rather paranoid about it. After another KCD graduate that knew his story came to Duke the year after him, he found out that everyone already knew about the deficits he was trying to hide. He encouraged Zack to consider economics and told him if he ever wanted to tour Vanderbilt he would be glad to take him around. Scott left and Zack asked if we could go to the mall. Zack, the girls and I head to St Mathews and he hooks up with some friends there. It was very hard to leave him and shop with the girls, but since Andrew was with several girls that have been with Zack since his early days in the hospital, I felt I had to let him go. I cautioned the girls to keep him close and walked away. Zack had a good time walking around the mall for about an hour before Andrew called me and said they were leaving. We decide it’s time to leave and meet Scott and Dylan for dinner. In the car Zack tells me he had a good time but wants some friends to come over tonight. He makes calls from my cell phone and is content that he will have visitors tonight. We enjoy our first meal out as a family and (except for a stressful start with four kids of different ages) all went well. We see several people that we know and they are all happy to see us out like a normal family. Most people that see Zack now for the first time have a jaw dropping experience. He looks so good, like a regular teenager, only sweeter. We head home and the friends start to arrive. I got to visit with Dan's Mom and Kailyn's Mom, while Zack played pool and Scott talked with Kaitlyn’s Dad. By 11:00 there were only a few kids left and I was in the office working on the website. Occasionally I would get them a snack and the last group left at 12:30. Andrew is spending the night and I am sure that makes Zack very happy. As I clean up just the food stuff in the basement Zack comes over to tell me that it was a really good night. He said, “We didn’t think anybody was coming over but I had a lost of friends here tonight”. I don’t mind them at all staying even this late as long as I have to be up any way. I just want Zack to have his friend. I want them to be enjoy being here with him. It is a safe place for all of them and great therapy for Zack. I go back and read the website on this day three months ago. It was the day that Dr Mook came to University to assess Zack and tell me he would be able to transfer him to Frazier Rehab once his G-tube was placed. It was also the day that Karen (his physical therapist at University) told us that all kids wake up. We got 32 postings on that day from people giving encouragement. It is heartwarming to remember how many people were praying and how much their postings meant to us. I wonder how many are still reading and praying today. God has heard and answered the prayers of many people and I am eternally grateful for the blessings he has given us. We look at Zack now and see a future that 3 months ago seemed like a dream. We celebrate the miraculous healing that God has done this far and wait with great anticipation for what he has in store for us. Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace”. We are more than at peace we have joy. Please pray for complete recovery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading. Still praying!

7:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so happy for zach. im still praying!

9:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading and still praying. In fact, my sister-in-law came in this weekend from Missouri and still reads the site daily, she talked about Zack as if he were an old family friend.

10:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading every day, and definitely still praying! Your family continues to be in my prayers. Thank you so much for taking Zach's story public. You truly have no idea how many people, teens especially, you are influencing. Praise God!!
Love to you all.

1:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am sooo gald that zack continues to get better. i was so happy to see him at school. thank you for coming and speaking. thank you for everything . you are all so amazing and i just wanted to say that i am still praying for him. thank you zack: when i told you i thought it should have been me you said oh its ok its not your fault. THANK YOU. that made my day better to know that you didnt think it should have been me. i love you all, the whole family, even the ones i dont know. you are all so amazing.

~savannah linscott

2:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading every day and praying for Zack continually.

Friends from Westport Road Church of Christ

2:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am definatley still reading everyday and praying for complete recovery. its so amazing to see zack at church with his friends like any other teenager there!! God is so wonderful and gracious!!!

2:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

still reading and praying for Zack and your family. I am hoping and praying you will get to speak at Eastern as a lot of teens there need to be reached, I pray you will be the one to do it. My son is at a residential school due to his poor choices. you are an inspiration to me and I have passed along some of your postings to my son hoping he will see the light. You are truly one of God's angels, Zach and your family are so blessed to have you.

3:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying, still readind ,always amazed at Zacks recovery,
Eileen, after giving Zack a 110% and you still have the will and compassion to tell other teens
about the tragedy of making bad choices I thank you as a parent, and I hope other parents are thankful to that you would want to save their child from this. I pray you get those offers from schools to spread the message of Zack,and I pray it won't just be high schools b/k middle schools need to hear it also b/k in this day and time the middle school are getting involved in more things earlier and if we reach them before they do the less will try them b/k by the time their in high school they are already doing many things and they think their smart and sneaky and it won't happen to them and sometimes it could be to late. For instance the Frank Puritte book our middle schoolers read,and the bullying and hateful things have been going on in all of elementary and the spirit of many children have already been wounded by the time middle school comes when they read the book and it may be to hard for them to stop the taunting, but I do know and pray that GOD will send you to the right schools and age groups. Hey, if you need a friend to tell you to take a drink of water or to take a breath or to help bring Zack in and video you let me know I'll be there!! keep spreading the stay the course message.

We love you,
in christ
Tammy Deetsch PHIL 4:13

7:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ms hornback,

i love to hear the progress. he sounds so much more intellectual and close to normality. im excited for his complete recovery, and mine as well.i still dont have the feeling in my right hand and i remain on vicodin for pain, skelaxin for tense muscles, and motrin for joint pain.

tell zack, eve though i not know him alot, i love him asnd the strength he has!

still reading,
Jamie Kerr
(mid back)

8:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen, You are such an inspiration to everyone who knows you. Your faith has been a tremendous encouragement. Our family continues to pray every day for Zack's complete recovery.
Mary & Dan

9:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your site daily and send it to several family members and friends who don't have internet access.I continue to pray daily that God will take away the aphasia and will hear all of the prayers for a complete recovery for Zack.
Your faith and the way you have glorified God through this website is truely a blessing to all who read it.
Thank you for allowing the world into your tragedy and into Zack's journey towards a full recovery.
Westport Church of Christ friend

10:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really know Zach and your family very well, but Zach's story touched me. It made me realize what a big influence even my very small decisions can make. I pray for Zach daily and his little piece of sweatshirt is hanging on my bulletin board at home, reminding me all the time to make the right decisions. I hope you get better Zach!

11:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have unfluenced so many people. You have had so much faith and it is unbelievable to me how. Even when to the rest of the world, it seems like nothing is going right in your life, you still find the strength to praise and worship God. I truly find it amazing and hope that I can find that much faith in myself in bad situations.

11:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey , don't you worry , still reading every day and praying as well. has become a routine for me. helps me realize how precious our childern are when I tend to get a little crazy and they drive me crazy(short drive). Life is to short to sweat the small stuff. lots of love. dana

11:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw zach the other day and it just made me smile..i dont know him but i go to cal and southeast and its just amazes me what God has done through zach already and how its touched lives that he doesnt even know about..its amazing tell zach i said hey and im continually praying for you all...its just amazing

12:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading and praying everyday. I'm so gald that Zach is doing great in his recovery and pray that he continues. Eileen, your strenth through all this has been amazing to me and your dedication to this website is appreciated. I look forward to the day that Zach is posting.

April, Matt's cousin in Michigan

8:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We check the site every morning and every night to see if there is anything new. Your strength and faith have been great to watch. You have helped others for even other problems they may be facing. What your blog has been in a big picture of our big God who is always there and ready to use anyone and their life circumstance if they are willing to let him use them. Thank you for letting him use your family in such a transparent way.

10:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mrs. hornback - i am soo happy that zack is doing so well! i cant wait until you come talk to us on the seventh! i`ll be over to visit zack soon.. hopefully this weekend with kaitlyn! bye!

2:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are still reading and praying for your family each day and it sounds as if all the prayers you are getting from this blog are getting answered by our Lord, keep the faith
The Beard family

6:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading and praying, Eileen.

8:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still reading and praying :) I have the news paper article and pictures of zack taped up on my dorm room remind college students to be safe...God has truly worked miracles in Zacks story

9:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

still praying... and will always be

10:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have only met once, at the ER waiting room the day of the accident. I am still reading and praying also. I am inspired by your faith and trust in God even at the darkest of times. I hope to get to tell you this personally some day. Westport Rd. Church of Christ member.

8:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs Hornback
I saw you and Zack and your daughters at the mall. I'm so glad to see that Zack is feeling better. My sister, my friend and I love to see Zack out and having fun. I pray that Zack will have a full recovery.

8:05 PM


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