Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday March 17, 2006

Friday March 17, 2006 Zack had a very busy schedule this past week. He has had dress rehearsal for the Easter Pageant every night since Monday, which required him to be there by 4:30 to get into make-up and costume. He has given up his nap over the last 2 weeks and seems to be handling it pretty well. He is very tired by the time he gets home at 10:30 or 11:00 PM but he is not complaining. I had to tell Carol Britton that now that the pageant has started there is no time for me to work with him on Rhythmic Writing during the week. She understands the demanding schedule and appreciates the importance of his involvement in the pageant so she agrees that we should just work it in on the weekends.
This past Sunday night the entire family (and Zack’s friend Lindsey) went to Westport Road Church of Christ. We enjoyed dinner and got to meet many of the people who have been praying for Zack since his accident. After dinner I spoke to the youth group (with many adults in the audience) and at the end Zack came up and answered a few questions. We had talked about what he might say on the way to church but by the time he got up there most of his thoughts were gone. I cued him and he said a few things but mostly he just smiled. Scott has heard me speak on Zack’s accident and recovery several times but he still gets very emotional. He had to move to the back of the room by the door where he sat in tears through most of the presentation. On the way home I finally convinced Zack that we needed to put what he wanted to say on paper and develop some written cues. He does not want to memorize a speech (I’m not real sure how successful that would be anyway) but instead wants to speak from the heart. I told him it could still be spontaneous but his thoughts need to be organized. He agrees since he will be joining me at Kentucky Country Day School when I speak to the high school assembly next Thursday morning. He really enjoys going to places to hear me speak and feels it is important for him to get up and tell other teenagers about what happened to him and how to avoid the same fate. I wish I could take him every time but sometimes his schedule does not allow it. This past Wednesday I spoke to the high school assembly at Whitfield Academy. Ironically there were several students there who knew Zack and others who had heard his story. It was an attentive group of about 175 students. Then on Wednesday night I spoke to the youth group at Crestwood Baptist Church to 200 teenagers. Several kids came up to me afterwards and told me how they were impacted by Zack’s story. I am surprised at how suddenly nervous I still become right before I speak even though I have done this 10 or 12 times. Knowing that my heart races, I have shallow breaths and my palms sweat, I am surprised that Zack is not more nervous. He seems to take everything in stride. He has finished his third week back in school but for him that is only 6 days since he only goes two days a week. Carol (his tutor) and Leslie (Frazier speech therapist) have agreed that World Civilization probably is not the best class for him to take right now since it is so fragmented for him. It is very hard to keep up when he is only there two days a week and each day is dependant on what was taught the day before. Instead Carol will spend that hour working with him one-on-one with reading comprehension and organized writing (like what is necessary for a term paper). This will help him improve in every school subject and prepare him for his junior year this Fall. He gets along great with Carol. She is very supportive and encouraging (and appreciates his silliness at times). I spoke to Dr Perri (psychologist) today and he said now is about the time we should start seeing the effects of the Excelon he started taking at the end of February. This is the medication that facilitates memory and Leslie told Dr Perri that she is noticing some subtle improvements in Zack’s memory this week. Scott told me yesterday that Zack remembered an incident that happened when he was at Frazier Rehab which surprised us since we were told he wasn’t likely to remember any of that time. We are praying that the Excelon will jump start his memory and help him recall what he learns in school. He has gotten very good at reading chapters and finding answers to complete a worksheet but is far from being tested on that material. I am not discouraged because in January he couldn’t read a paragraph and highlight what was important and now he can complete worksheets. We feel very fortunate to have so many people working with him towards the same goal…getting him ready for school next year.
I have missed Zack and Scott this week since they are usually gone to church by the time I pick the kids up from school after work. I had left a message on Zack’s cell phone saying that I never get to see him anymore and I miss him. Then yesterday I received a message from him saying, “I’m sorry I have been gone so much doing the pageant thing but I’m trying to get closer to God so don’t get mad”. I miss him but I gladly give him up to God and the pageant. He and Scott are making great friends there and Scott said it is the most spiritual thing he had ever been involved with. The Roman Soldiers pray together every night and share their concerns. Last night was Guest night (the formal dress rehearsal) and I took Dylan and the girls. Carol Britton, Zack’s friend Brooke and Brooke’s Mom Dee Dee also went with us. The pageant was wonderful and made even more special because Zack was able to be in it. As I first saw him march across the stage I couldn’t help but think back to when he was learning to walk again at Frazier Rehab. Who could have ever imagined six months ago where we would be now? He looked so handsome in his soldier uniform and this time I knew that helmet covered a full head of hair. During the pageant he fought back a smile when he walked past me in the aisle (Roman soldiers are supposed to be stern and mean). Afterwards when we saw him in the atrium he beamed a smile that lit up the room. We took pictures and he showed off his stage makeup tan. He and Scott are getting closer than ever sharing this experience. He is surrounded by Godly men, praying with them and sharing stories. He is inspiring to many others that saw him in the hospital and now watch him perform and act silly backstage. We are blessed beyond belief and appreciate this journey, even at its darkest. I was given a scripture verse from one of the members at Westport Road Baptist Church that has new meaning for us now. Isaiah 45:3 “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Please continue to pray for Zack’s complete recovery and specifically that he will be ready for school in the Fall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Hornback,
Thank you so much for speaking at our school chapel on Wednesday. It was such a powerful thing to hear you speak and I can honestly say that our student body thoroughly enjoyed it, especially me. Thank you so much and I can't wait to see you or Zach come back sometime.

8:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

COuld you provide us with a few pictures of him now?

11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hEy hey zach i just want to let you know how proud i am of you i have only talked to you a couple of times but i feel like you are one of my best friends from hearing you and your mom speak thanks so much and i hope we can hang out soon

in Christ
Taylor draper

9:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing to keep us updated.

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen, could you send your speaking engagements to:

I would love to hear you speak after all these months of checking this blog.
Thank you,
Dana Pettit

3:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hornback Family:
It is soo great to see Zack walking through the halls of CAL again. It is amazing how God has put His hand through everything. Truly a miracle happened. I hope the days are getting brighter for everyone in the family! Zack, I hope you do well in Pagaent this year and GOd uses you in a powerful way!
Prayer ALways!
Kim Molter

9:03 PM


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