Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Tuesday, July 18, 2005

Tuesday July 18, 2005 Zack looks really good this morning. He has not run a fever since last night. His respiratory and heart rate are right where they should be. His white count is up to 14 so he is still really fighting this infection. He is really sweating and Stephanie (night nurse) describes it as “storming” (his body trying to decide to fight the infection or just flow with it). She got thumbs up from him last night, which is very encouraging.
Dr Vanmeter from Infectious Decease Control (ID) comes in to check on him about 7:30 AM. She tells me his blood cultures were negative (no MRSA) which is really good news. She also says that his chest x-rays were better than the day before so we are clearing up the pneumonia. She explains that Zack will remain on the new drug Linezolid until all the infection is gone. I didn’t realize how fortunate we were to have ID handling his infection until I discovered that they only come to 5West to see him. Another set of hands and eyes doing Gods work to heal him. The Neuro Team (Dr Densler, Dr Mutchnick and Dr Harpring) comes by to check on him. They tell me not to be concerned but they are ordering another CAT Scan today. They have no reason other than to just check things out. The scan shows no changes which means no additional swelling. They discuss that when Zack has no “nursing issues” for 24 hours they will move him out of ICU. Yesterday I had decided that he would be transferred to Kosair but Dr Mutchnick is trying to convince me to keep him here. They are concerned with “continuity of care” and want the same team of doctors to continue to follow his progress.
He will get his feeding tube placed in his stomach tomorrow afternoon so I have a little more time to decide what to do. I am stressing about it so I ask for prayer that when I wake up tomorrow God will clearly have the decision made. It is strange right now to think he might be moved from bed 4 in the Miracle room. I have come to love the staff here, their excellent care of Zack and compassion for our family. I know that leaving ICU is a positive step but right now I’m experiencing joyous fear. We have developed such a pattern but a glimpse into the future is uncertain and at times unnerving. I am alone with Zack at 6:30 PM. I take the opportunity to read the postings on this site. I don’t get to see them until someone prints them off and brings them to me so I am a week behind. There is God again. As I read I am reminded that Zack is surrounded by prayer. I am touched by how people describe him. I am uplifted by the thought that while Zack sleeps God is talking with him. That he is revealing Himself to Zack and telling him how much He loves him. I look at Zack without that anxious feeling of wanting him to wake up so badly and instead imagine God whispering to him. What a perfect way to be directed back to God’s timing. Thank you Lord for perfect prayers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear mr. and mrs. hornback,
I am so glad to hear that Zach is doing better then he was over the weekend. Me and my family go to Southeast and we have been praying for Zach and your family through his whole recovery. He is a strong boy and I have faith that he can pull through this. Thanks so much for your postings online on his updates. I come to realize so much more after his accident and I know many lives have been changed. God Bless.

10:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proverbs 3:5

Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You Keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to You. I ask now for Your forgiveness.
Please keep me safe from all danger and harm.
Help me to start ths day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and everyday to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.
Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over, and I may feel it's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak...Keep me uplifted that i may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank you that I believe. I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes, and that they are out of debt and all their needs are met. I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it.
God Bless!
Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves!!
God I love you and I need you, come into my heart, please.
This was sent to me this morning by email, so I thought I would share it with you and to let you know that Zack and your family are in our prayers everyday and night.

10:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hornback Family,
I don't know Zach, but I attend Wesport Road Church of Christ. There are many, many members of WRCC praying for Zach's recovery and for your family's strength through this. Lots of us check this site every day to keep updated on Zach's progress. I pray that you'll feel God's arms of love wrapped around you all.

11:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. and Mrs. Hornback
Zack is such a great kid. He is so strong and I know that he can pull through. I love checking this site to hear updates about Zack and also to see the pictures that are so encouraging. With God's help, all things are possible and many many people have come closer to God, including myself. I have started to pray consistantly every night especially for Zack and I know that I am not alone. I can't wait to see him and my prayers will continue. Thanks so much for your strength because it helps us all!

1:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Scott, Eileen and The Entire Hornback and Curry Families,

We have all been reading your site daily and then of course talking amongst ourselves to see if anyone has heard any new updates. When Deb and I spoke to our Dad this weekend Dad had gotten through to a Rita and Eileen at the hospital. I want you to know that you are all in our prayers.

Grandpa Kenny told Bob years ago that you can never spoil your children. That it all comes down to loving them. From all of the posting in the this site Zach is greatly loved by God and everyone.

Dianne Cooper (California Cousin)

1:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.& Mrs Hornback,
My husband and I know Duncan, he called our shop to tell us about Zack. All of us at the shop plus friend of ours that have heard of him are all praying for him and I have faith that God will answer the many prayers for your son and help him. I can see that your faith is strong, I read your journal with tears in my one mom to another who has sat in intensive care with my child praying for her life...God does answer prayers, he really does.
From south Florida to you, we are thinking of you and praying with you

3:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr.& mrs. hronback,
I do not know zack but alot of my friends do. As i read what you write everyday, the more i pray for him and your family. I pray that god helpes Zack and your whole family. God Bless.

3:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hornback,
I do not know your son, Zack at all personally, but I have heard of his story from some of my friends. Ever since, I have been thinking of and praying for Zack and your family. The story really has touched me and I am thinking more now about the power of prayer than ever before. I know so many lives, like mine, have been changed after hearing this story of your son who does not deserve to be in this situation. God is obviously present in your lives. I have confidence that, with God's help, Zack will come to a safe recovery.
With love,
A concerned believer.

4:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Scott & Eileen
I have to say that you both are very strong people and I very much respect that I don't that I could handle something like this. Me and my family pray everyday for him to get well and reading the information on the website makes me thing that all our prayers are going to come true! We will keep praying for you and Zack Jeff D

5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear hornback family,
Although i do not know zach personally, i go to CAL and have been thinking of and praying about his situation. I know how hard it must be to see zach in his condition, but i also know how much he has improved. God is clearly working through this situation. I know that many many lives have been changed, including my own. Several are realizing how much they really do need to think about their actions and the consequences of those actions. I trust that God will bring zach through this and know His hand is in this situation. Also, it is quite obvious that God has an amazing plan for zach. Through this, i'm sure that He is revealing more and more of His perfect plan to your son. I am praying for you and for zach. May it all be for God's glory.

7:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Hornback,
I haven't ever met Zach in my life, but i have always heard good things about him, and as soon as i heard about the wreck i was worreid about zach ((even though i hadn''t ever met him)).. i want to thank you for posting new things up everyday because every morning I get up and read about how he is doing. I want to let you know that Churches aren't only praying for Zach, but i am going to be an imcoming freshmen at Assumption and this week is my summer seminar week and every single morning i always raise my hand and always want to pray that zach recovers soon and that you all will be okay. I am very glad that Zach is doing so well. My friend Nicole and I are goin to come see him soon when he is feeling up for it! but once again thank you so much for spendin the time to update the journal everyday!!

God Bless Zach!

your friend,

10:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hornback Family,
I've never personally met zach, however i have met Mrs. Hornback. She might not remember with all of the people she has met throughout this time, but i thought i would take this chance just to let zach know that he also has my prayers. One of my good friends, Nicole Lions was also in the car with zach when the accident occured. We rushed to the hospital when we had hured the news. This is where i got the opportunity to meet Mrs. Hornback and tell her that he would be in prayers. Thanks so much for doing this really gives everyone something to look forward to. We all may not be physically there with him.. but by prayer we deffinatly are. He is in all of our prayers...

12:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you received this originally, so I am posting it. Please know that there are many prayers for Zack at all hours of the day and night. I am awoken reguarly in the early hours of the AM and think of him. I pray fervently. I am sure that God is calling many others in the same way to pray for your son.


My name is Beth Marchette. My daughter was in a terrible wreck with her boyfriend a year ago, July 27th. She sustained a traumatic brain injury. We were told that we could loose her in the Emergency room. She sustained a life threatening brain stem injury, as well as diffuse axonal damage and a small bleed in her right hemisphere. It has been a very long road. Even today she continues to improve. God has blessed us in amazing ways, but it has not been easy.

My encouragement to you is to cling to the Lord no matter what. Continually expose Zack to your prayers and as soon as he is able, begin to nourish his faith again. I truly believe that this has had some play into how well Rachael has recovered. Studies have shown increased brain activity during prayer and meditation.

Also, be confident in your God. He does take us down very dark paths, but He will be with you. He will be glorified if you enable Him with your faithfulness. I do not know what the road you travel will feel like, look like, or require of you. Only our Lord does. He will give you what you need. Meanwhile, I will be praying for you and for Zack.

Cling to His promises. The Lord gave us scripture, music and incredible stories of rainbows. He will give you promises unique to Zack and to your situation. Hold tightly for this is your strength.

Also, a medical point I would like to make. Research the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA. There are others, but we feel they are, by far, the best. They are on the cutting edge for brain injury and spinal cord injury. This is where Rachael went after 20 days. My only regret is that we did not get her there sooner. I feel that her physical struggles would not be as great had she arrived at Shepherd Center earlier. The patient has to be evaluated and accepted which takes some time. Ask your doctor about it ASAP. Do not let anyone discourage you. You are your sons only real advocate.

My heart is with you even though I do not know you. I hurt with you. I remember.
I want to offer my ear, as well as that of my husband (Jack) and of Rachael.(She really is a miracle!) There is also a website that traces Rachael's healing. It has a link to Shepherd Center as well.
This is the adress

Please feel free to call or even have someone else contact us!

Trusting in God's healing powers,
Jack and Beth and Rachael Marchette

7:39 AM


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