Saturday, August 27, 2005

Friday August 26, 2005

Friday August 26, 2005 Zack was in bed awake trying to get out when I arrived. He was mad at me because I wasn’t there and he said, “Look what time it is!” (7:28 AM).
He was in a hurry to go to the bathroom and I was fumbling with the lock on his bed zipper. Finally got him to the bathroom and (how can I put this) he had really bad aim on purpose. I asked him why he did that and he responded, “It’s your fault, you should have been here”. I think he is very clear minded and now acting more like a teenager.
9:00 Speech in our room with Kathy and she was working on identifying letters and numbers (he got about 50%). She had him complete phrases (table & ______) and
complete sentences (yesterday I saw __________). He did pretty good although sometimes he made up words. On the way to the bathroom after Kathy left he has another attack. It seemed to be very mild and he did not see double after wards.
10:00 P.T. with Amy they tried something new to work on hand/eye coordination. He had to throw a beanbag to Amy while catching one that she threw to him with the other hand. She worked on his balance by making him stand on a piece of foam and close his eyes. Twice he fell back but on the third time he was able to balance to the count of ten. He stood on a balance platform to work on body control and strength. He loves the physical challenges because he is so competitive. Then he had to do squats and push-ups on his knees (sounds like baseball training). She had him walk crossing his left leg over his right in a scissors formation but Amy had to help him to keep his body straight. She tried to get him to walk on his tiptoes but that was too much for him. Amy suggested that we get some balloons to toss back and forth with him in his room using his right hand. Balloons will move differently than his baseball and he will have to coordinate his movements. 10:45 O.T. with Mary Beth and Zack got a little frustrated trying to communicate some thoughts. She had him put together a large sunflower puzzle and he did it with minimum instruction. He was hearing pages over the intercom and repeating the names they called. He heard a page and wrote Mr. Linker on his paper very clearly. Mary Beth told Zack, “write your name” and he wrote his entire name, first and last, without help, without seeing it first, with such determination and confidence. It is the most beautiful signature (even though it’s printed) I have ever seen. Mary Beth wanted to work on problem solving and had him pull a flexible tube through and up and over holes in wood. He said something about “my car, in a coma” and was very upset. I’m sure that will come up later when he can express himself better. Both Mary Beth and Amy see marked improvements since yesterday. Lunch again with Mary Beth in our room. He is eating at a much slower pace and more relaxed. Mary Beth doesn’t think she will have to come for lunch therapy any more but reminded us that we need to limit the number of people in his room (no visitors during meals right now) and no phone calls to distract him. At 1:30 I take Zack to Kosair Children’s Hospital for his EEG. The preparation for it takes as long as the actual test. They have to attach 25 electrodes to his head in exact locations. Of course he doesn’t help the process because he keeps reaching up and touching them or scratching his head. Once they get him ready they turn off the lights and lay him back in a recliner. The actual test takes about 30 minutes and I can watch the monitor with the nurses. I see interruptions in the patterns but according to the nurses the test is so sensitive it can pick up a hard swallow or an eye blink. They can’t give me any results. It will have to be read by Dr. Holmes the neurologist who saw him last Sunday. We barely make it down to the gym (in fact we were late) for our afternoon P.T. session. Amy uses E-stem (electric stimulation) and has Zack pick up beanbags and drop them through a basketball goal. It is hardest for him to let go of the beanbag and although he complains that it hurts he never quits. Back in the room after therapy Zack has another attack on his way to the bathroom again (I wonder if there is such a thing as bathroom seizures). 3:30 Speech with Kathy and Zack does very well at identifying letters and numbers. She asked him several questions including how old are you. He said he was 20 and when she doubted him he insisted he was 20. Finally he admitted he wasn’t 20 so she asked again how old he was…18 he said with a smile. Kathy loves his sense of humor. 4:00 O.T. with Mary Beth and Zack plays a video game. He has to move a basket to catch balls. He had played it for the first time yesterday on the beginning setting (1). Today he scored very well on 5. He also played basketball. My brother had showed up and they took turns shooting baskets, Zack with his right arm. Zack enjoyed the competition and began to shoot better when my brother teased him about not shooting as well as Dylan. Mary Beth said his right arm is getting much stronger. Zack got a new wheelchair. It’s a sleek little number that has much bigger wheels that he could move himself. When we finally got back to the room Zack was very tired. He was asleep soon after getting in bed. Dr Mook (physiatrist) and Heidi stop by to check on Zack but they don’t wake him. He tells me Zack can get his hair washed in the shower tonight (that should feel really good since he hasn’t washed it in 50 days). I also think Dr. Mook likes teasing me because when I showed him how Zack wrote his full name he asked me “are you going to put it on the website?” Actually I hadn’t thought about it but it sounds like a good idea so if it shows up here you can thank Dr. Mook. At 7:00 Zack’s friends start to arrive and I stick to the rule about only 2 or 3 people in the room at one time. Everyone is so patient about waiting their turn in the hall so they make it easy for me.
7:30 and 7:50 Zack has 2 attacks. I am anxious to talk to Dr. Holmes tomorrow and figure out what is going on. I got a phone call today from Mrs. Funderburg who was Zack’s assistant principal in Middle School (she is now the principal at one of Christian Academy’s other campus). She is involved in the Discovery Program at her school,
which teaches kids with learning differences. She has been thinking about Zack a lot and what she can do for him. She said God has put it on her heart to come work with him on the weekends when he is not having therapy. That is such a blessing to us for several reasons. Zack could use additional help with writing, reading and comprehension. Zack gets bored on the weekends when he doesn’t have therapy so this will be something he will enjoy. He told his friends tonight that he wants to go back to school. We are so overwhelmed at the outpouring of compassion for Zack. I was reading again today about the factors that impact a person’s recovery. They stress the importance of personal motivation and family support. Zack has the biggest family in the world and tons of support! Please pray that the staff here will see his support and realize it is the Christian connection that ties us all together. When one child of God is hurting He sends healing in many forms…teenagers, schoolteachers, ministers, parents, people who hardly know him and give encouragement on line and prayer. We are tremendously blessed and want the world to know it. Pray that we will have many opportunities to share Zack’s story. Pray his recovery will impact others to want to know how great is our God!
2 Cor. 1:7 “And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort”.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zack>>God has not forsaken you!

3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Read!

3:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Hornback,
I just wanted you to know that my daughter Teresa is being sent to Iraq today, so now Zach is being prayed for in Iraq. She is checking your blogsite when she has opportunity and praying for Zack, as is my whole family (in Virginia and North Carolina).
My son, Christopher, has neurological difficulties and was seen for many years by Dr. Holmes. I found him to be accurate in his diagnoses, fun to work with, and a blessing to us. I am so glad he is the neurologist working with Zack. We have seen several neurologists, and Dr. Holmes is our favorite.
We are praying for Zack on a regular basis in 8th grade. The article from Southeast Outlook has been posted on our hallway bulletin board for all the 8th graders to read. I am continually amazed at Zach's progress. He has come so far, and we are praying that God will enable him to continue that steady progress. We continue to pray for you both and the other children in your family, that you will draw closer to one another and to God through this ordeal.
Janet Smith
8th grade science teacher at CAL

5:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi this is a student at cal and Im in 8th grade. I pray for the healing power of Gods hand to be on your family daily. God has opened the eyes to my heart and made me realise how much He blesses us. The 8th grade prays for you daily and talk about the effects on people Zack has made. I am very thakful that you have made this website so people can now whats new. Even though Zack doesn't know me and i don't vistit him i person this website lets me in a way visit him. I really hope you descide to put his signature on this website, because i want to see it. Keep believing and trustign God, He'll continue to help you through this.

<3 Maddie

5:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

me and my whole family are paraying for zack dailey we pray that he gets better and we thank GOD everyday because it could have been alot worse than it is. we are still praying for u zak

michael arnold

6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zack, God loves you and it is all in his plan...Zack you are a role model and an inspiration to all of us! i love you and God bless!

9:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott & Eileen -

Thank you for the article. Eileen, you look beautiful! And thank you for the note...I agree, it would be so great to see you guys. It has been a long time. We contiue to thank the Lord everyday for Zacks progress and ask the Lord to keep up the good work! The heaviness of our hearts gets lighter and lighter as we hear good news about Zack with each passing day. Your updates are incredibly inspirational...thank you!
God Bless You,
Tom & Julie

12:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have posted comments many times, however i don't know Zack. I feel like I do though. I am a faithful reader to this website and I am amazed at how rapidly he is progressing. Everything is in Gods hands and it is amazing what he can do. KEEP THE FAITH

Paige Lechner

11:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

God works in amazing ways and we're all sure Zack will make a complete comeback. He has his whole life ahead of him and will live it in great stride. Nothing is impossible with as many prayers as he is getting. We all love him and thank God for every small improvement. We're always here for you.

2:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's WONDERFUL to see how well your doing Zack! Keep working hard so you can come and see us soon!
Continued best wishes and prayers!
Your Neuro ICU nurses/staff

5:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...



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