Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Monday October 31, 2005

Monday October 31, 2005 Zack was up at 7:00 and ate breakfast. After he showered we talked about how fast his hair is growing. He is anxious to cover up his scar and it won’t take long. On the way to Frasier East he tells me that today is “that day” so he would probably be doing something tonight. I reminded him he had a dentist appointment today and he wanted to know if I would pick him up early and get him out of school. He had several sessions of speech today with different therapist. They worked on reading, scanning, memory, writing skills and paying attention. When I picked him up he was in a good mood and wanted to get to the dentist quickly so he could get home and take a nap.
Everyone at Dr Zanger’s office was glad to see him. They have been following his progress on this website and Jules had visited him at Frasier Rehab and brought him dental supplies. Dr. Zanger checked out the missing cap and the growing space between his two front teeth since he hasn’t worn his retainer in nearly four months. He decided to put a bracket on the two teeth to pull them together which should only take a few weeks. Then he will apply a new cap and Zack’s beautiful smile will be restored. Zack told them he was proud of his smile and wanted it back. We left the dentist and headed home so Zack could take his nap. On the way home he called Trey and made plans to go to a friends Halloween party. Dinner was ready in the crock pot when we got home (thanks to Janet Smith) so I was able to help the girls with their costumes. We ate dinner and Dylan left to be with his friends while I took the girls around Lake Forest to gather their loot. Before I left I had laid out Zack’s clothes…his cowboy hat, his Dad’s boots, a borrowed flannel shirt. The girls wore themselves out in an hour and a half so I was back early to take Zack to the party. We arrived at Randi Marshall’s a little after 8:00 PM. Everyone was in costume, some creative and some just thrown together. They were having a talent contest and before I knew it Zack was up there doing, what else, dancing. There were several good dance acts (you could tell Randi and Chas had practiced their Grease routine) but in the end Zack was the winner. He was surprised when they handed him $100 but never embarrassed. His buddy Rick was one of the contestants and everyone knows Rick can dance but I think most people were amazed to see Zack. Three months ago he couldn’t even walk and now he was dancing without missing a beat. It is unbelievable. Zack heads downstairs to play pool but by 9:30 he was telling me he was tired and ready to go home. When we get in the car he asked me if I thought he danced good and how cool it was that he won $100. Scott was dancing in the driveway as we pulled into the garage, telling Zack that if he was there he would have beaten him in the contest. I helped Zack get the penciled on fake beard off his face and he jumped in bed with a smile on his face. What a great day for him. What a fabulous day for us. We have our precious boy, not just alive, but really enjoying life. On the way home from the party Zack asked me if I thought he would go to college. I confidently told him he could do anything he wanted to, and I fervently believe that. I could not have imagined him dancing unashamedly in front of his peers, as well as adults, just a few months ago so who knows where God will take him from here. Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible for him who believes”. Continue praying for complete recovery!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is amazing and I'm so happy for your family. I've been reading this blog for awhile now and I am so glad God has kept you strong. Miracles DO happen.

12:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you............

9:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen and family,

I start every day by reading your blog. May God continue to bless you and your family. Keep on dancing Zack!!

9:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

eileen, it was so wonderful to see zack in here yesterday - folowing the website is one thing, knowoing him before, seeing him mid-way, and seeing him now - we all felt the blessing and i couldnth elp but relay to my closest friends last night that the highlight of my day was the WALKING MIRACLE coming thru that door - he is so entertaining, sweet and you as always are a pillar of strength - look forward to seeing him again next week. and you know, you all continue to be in my morning prayers - love, jules

4:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. how exciting!
its been Zack and God working together for a few months... and i think God's definitely dancing along to Zack.


1:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Zack im so happy for u that u are recovering
michael arnold

6:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen, you should write a book about this journey your family has taken. You have to put something like Zack's Dance as the title. Joey could do the cover for you with a shadowey picture of Zack dancing and praising. We keep you all in our prayers and will continue to do so.

3:47 PM

Blogger Krispus said...

Love is strong

Thank you,


12:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

zack im so glad you are recovering still. i know i havent talked to you n a while and im sorry and i miss you. just wanted to say were all praying for you at CAL. and i love you so much and your family too. dylan kyle logan eileen scott and zack you guys rock!!! hope to see you all soon.
love you zack!

7:15 PM


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