Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday November 5, 2005

Saturday November 5, 2005 Zack had to get up earlier that usual for a Saturday because we were participating in a walk-a-thon. The LaRossa Loop was a 25 mile bike or 5, 3, or 1 mile walk to benefit Frazier Rehab. Dr LaRossa is one of the Physiatrist there who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. They want to name a portion of the new building (LaRossa Lounge) in honor of her years of working with children in rehab. While we ride downtown to the riverfront we are listening to Zack’s C.D.’s again and talking about the concert. We already have 6 or 7 of his friends committed to going to Nashville so my little trip keeps expanding in size. I am starting to get as excited as Zack and his friends. I already know many of the words to the songs we listen to and am anxious to meet the people who have been praying for Zack’s recovery in Nashville. When we arrive at the walk-a-thon we see Larry, his parents, his girlfriend and her parents. Larry was the 19 year old motorcycle accident who suffered a traumatic brain injury two years ago. His Mom and I compare notes on the similarities of their recovery. Larry is working hard in college and is doing very well considering all he has been through. He complained about the restrictions still imposed by his doctor, (primarily because he was a big boating fan) but he follows their instructions because he knows how important they are to his recovery. I tell Zack that when he gets frustrated in the future about the things he can not do I will have him call Larry for support. We see several of Zack’s therapist and nurses who cared for him while at Frazier Rehab. After a short time walking Zack says he wants to run. Larry’s girlfriend and her mother agree to run with us and I tell them not to worry that Zack won’t last long. Well I was very wrong. Zack did fine, it was me who finally asked to take a break and walk for awhile. We ended up running about 3 ½ miles of the 5 mile walk and I felt it keenly by the time we were back at the finish line. We ate hotdogs and chips, talked with the other people we knew from Frazier before heading home. Zack got in the car and told me he was very tired. I told him I was really tired too, that my knees hurt and I couldn’t feel my butt. He told me he wasn’t tired from the run he just wanted to go to sleep, to take a nap like he always does. We get home and I head for the medicine cabinet to see what kind of miracle drug I can find to get the feeling back into my legs. I was only able to rest an hour or so before getting Dylan to basketball tryouts and then to his tennis match. Zack showered and dressed to be ready for his date tonight (dinner with Ashley and Maddie) and the family piles into the car again. At the tennis match a lot of Christian Academy parents got to see Zack for the first time since his accident. They were amazed at how well he was doing. He was talking about his dinner plans and showed off the cash in his wallet. When someone asked how he got so much money he told them he won it dancing. I had to explain about the talent contest he won on Halloween and he decided to show them his dance moves. Before his accident he wouldn’t have spent 5 minutes talking with a parent he didn’t know and now he is dancing for them at a tennis match. Dylan wins his match and we take Zack to P F Changs to meet the girls. We arrive early and Zack sees Allie and Jessica finishing their meal on the patio. They haven’t seen him in a while and spend some time catching up. Once Ashley and Maddie arrive I take Dylan and the girls to eat at California Pizza Kitchen. Zack calls me and says that he wants to ride home with the girls when they leave the restaurant and that sends chills up my spine. The next call is from Ashley saying that they are paying their bill and I tell them we are on our way. I let Zack ride in their car with me following right behind. I am sure Ashley was nervous (I would have been at 16 with a parent critiquing my driving skills) but we all made it home safely. They go to the basement to play pool and I am relieved that Zack will spend the rest of his evening at home. I am tired. My legs ache and I know tomorrow they will be worse. Zack hasn’t mentioned being sore so I guess all the physical therapy has done some good. It has been exactly four months, 120 days, since his accident. He is laughing, playing pool and entertaining the girls. Who could have imagined how far God would bring us in such a short time? We have been so blessed through this experience. We have seen an outpouring of love and support from Christian families we hardly know. We have gotten to know Zack’s friends and appreciate their loyalty. We have had the word of God come alive to us as we experience scripture with a fresh perspective, a different outlook. We have seen the power of God through answered prayers. If we go through trials with thankfulness and praise to God, He promises to bring good things despite them. He says to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience”. James 1:2
Please continue to pray for Zacks complete recovery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you..............

7:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When reading Friday's posting, I had to stop and wonder if it hadn't been for Zack's accident and all you have done to spread the Word of God, would these teenagers have been excited about going to a Christian Contest 120 days ago. Keep up the good and Holy work you are doing!

11:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing to post Zack's awesome and miraculous progress. It is wonderful to see how this event has inspired so many to walk more closely with God, especially the younger kids. Zack has and will continue to do unbelievable things for so many people.

You are an inspiration to our faith and trust in Him as well. Each day, reading your post helps us put our own lives in perspective. Thank you for staying faithful and keep up the good work.

Gary and Debby Watkins

11:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG.. you have to call me next time you go to P F Changs!! i work there!!

6:31 PM


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