Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tuesday November 8, 2005

Tuesday November 8, 2005 Zack was up by 7:00, ate breakfast and showered. He was watching TV and waiting for me when I told him it was time to go. On the way to Frazier East we talked about how he spent his free time and who he spent it with. I was explaining that his Dad and I want to be sure he understands how his friends can influence him, both positive and negative, and it was our job to insure he had a lot of positive influence around. His morning speech session with Leslie focused on reading for understanding which worked on getting him to slow down, pay attention and memory. He had a second speech therapy with Megan where they worked on understanding how things are related, impulsivity and more on paying attention. Scott took him to Kroger for occupational therapy. I know several people have seen him on his trips there but it is actually therapy. They work on visual scanning, safety awareness in the environment and more reading in real life situations. When I picked Zack up he was hungry and tired. He wanted to know how long his Nuero Eye Exam was going to take. We arrived on time, filled out our paperwork and met Dr. Weinberg. He performed a number of the standard eye tests and then additional specialized tests that determine how well the eyes track, work as a team and his peripheral vision. He confirmed that Zack definitely has a field cut which is a loss of visual field. It appears to be mostly in the upper right quadrant of his visual field. He has other symptoms that indicate visual problems but diagnosing those problems is the first step to correcting them. Correction doesn’t necessarily mean they are eliminated because this is not a sight problem but a perception issue. They have to determine how Zack processes visual information since his injury and his strengths and weaknesses. The visual process involves the flow and processing of information to the brain. Traumatic brain injury disrupts the flow and processing of information between the eyes and the brain. Dr. Weinberg is a “behavioral optometrist” who uses vision therapy to improve fundamental visual skills necessary for efficient processing of information. They believe that vision is a learned process that can be improved through progressive visual exercises or procedures. Correction of visual problems due to traumatic brain injury uses vision therapy to change how a person processes or interprets visual information. They train the brain to use the visual system, even one that is compromised, to work more efficiently. Visual problems can make every task seem more difficult and require more energy than necessary. Another contributor to Zack’s fatigue, especially after a full day of therapy (reading and scanning). We have step two to this Nuero eye exam (to be scheduled) which will test his comprehension, attention, concentration and other cognitive issues. I am anxious to get that scheduled so we can have a complete diagnosis and start to develop a customized vision therapy for Zack. I have been told by other mothers whose children have been diagnosed with visual perception problems, that once they started vision therapy they saw drastic improvement. We have been so blessed with Zack’s recovery that I feel certain that this is just the next step. The brain is fascinating, how every thing is linked to that miraculous little computer in our head. Just another sign of our creators wondrous handiwork…the intelligent design. Please pray for Gods hand in Zack’s diagnoses so that his customized therapy will be perfect. Continue praying for complete recovery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you............

5:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

still praying..
im sooo prod of how far Zack has came!!

9:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire your strength. Keep holding on to God's guidance.

11:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

still reading this cool blog and always praying.

Hang in there Zack you'll be back at scool soon and driving, I know you will PHIL4:13 YOU CAN DO ANYTHING and don't think you never play baseball we never thought you would be were you are now (only by the grace of GOD)friends family and prayer and you already have your miracel helmet to wear when you do play. We love your blog Eileen and your strenght as a strong christian mommy for your family, your being a great witness to 4 future chrisian leaders I wish we had alot more mommies in the world like you Hey, when is Zacks rap CD coming out that will be on the shelves in the future to . Zack, sooo! happy and proud!!
T Deetsch PHIL 4:13

P.S congrads!! Logano on loosing a tooth..

9:19 AM


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