Monday, November 21, 2005

Sunday November 20, 2005

Sunday November 20, 2005 Zack slept until 9:00 which was amazing since he went to bed at about 9:00 last night. He was really tired since he had stayed up at the “lock in” all night Friday night at Hurstbourne Baptist Church. As soon as he got home at about 7:30 AM he went to bed and slept until 1:00. This morning when he got up he told me we needed to hurry so he wouldn’t be late for church. He went to his normal youth service this morning and then after church we all headed to Sam’s with Scott’s Mom and Dad. It was their Thanksgiving tasting and they gave out samples of all kinds of foods and desserts. Zack enjoyed going around to each station sampling things and then back around for the ones he really liked. When we got home he took a nap while I continued with the Christmas decorations. We ate a quick dinner and then were on the road to church again, this time to the Vine. I have really come to look forward to Sunday at the Vine. The service is different, more rock-n-roll, much more casual and intimate setting. Zack loves the music. He told me as we were driving home from church this morning that he was already looking forward to going back to church tonight so he could sing some more. That is one of the big differences since the accident. Although he always commented that the music at his church was really good I would never see him singing. Now as I stand next to him at the Vine, he closes his eyes, raises his hand and sings, joyfully with much emotion. Kyle Idleman preached tonight on Thanksgiving, being thankful even of the things we don’t enjoy, being thankful when times are tough. It brought me to tears because we have so much to be thankful for. Then Kyle told us to take the paper that was in our handout and write a letter to God on what we are thankful for. Zack turned to me and asked, “Would you write mine for me?” He quietly dictated; “Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for being there from the time I was born. Thank you for keeping me alive so I don’t go to hell when I die. I truly love you and I pray that I will see you in heaven when it’s time. Thank you for keeping me alive when I was in my accident. I love you Lord Jesus. Zack”. He got up and went for communion as I sat there humbled in prayer. As we sang about “being rescued” by Christ I was so moved thinking about how Zack was rescued that I had to leave the sanctuary. I was crying so hard I could barely breathe and had to take a break in the restroom. I was moved because of how blessed we are that Zack is with us, that he continues to recover and for the peace that God has given me by letting Him take control of our lives. I compose myself and return to the sanctuary. If they would have been singing “Your strength is made perfect when I am weak” I probably would have had to be carried out. As I returned to my seat there had been some changes in the seating arrangements and I was no longer next to Zack. It doesn’t matter because I can still see him singing and the tears began to flow again. When the service was over and they turned up the lights we headed towards the door. There were many of his friends we stopped to talk with and when Zack and I were finally next to each other I commented how good the service was. He said, “You cried a lot”. I explained that I was so thankful that he was alive and he smiled and said, “Me too”. Dani came home with us and she played some pool with Zack. After she left Zack asked me to take a look at his head. Earlier we had discovered that he had an ingrown hair or something. It was bothering him so I put peroxide on it and took the opportunity to trim the hair over his ears. I promised him that in two weeks his hair would be long enough to cove his incision and the scar from his head wound. He is very tired of wearing hats all the time and said he just wants to wear hair now. Kyle came into the bathroom and told Zack she would give him a foot rub. I left them in the bedroom while Kyle pampered her big brother. After 15 or 20 minutes Zack and Kyle come downstairs to tell me that she rubbed his feet and hands and gave him a back rub. Kyle use to rub his feet when he was in the hospital before he could even walk or talk. She is so nurturing and would make a great nurse or therapist. They head to bed and I am able to just sit and think about how great is our God. Praise our Lord who can take a tragedy and change it into a testimony to His Glory. Praise the Lord who can take the simple act of worship and allow it to be the ultimate expression of love. Praise our God who can take a life and mold it to His pleasure, but instead allows us freewill to make our own seemingly innocent choices, even to the point of our own destruction. Praise our God who answers prayers in ways much greater than we could have imagined. Continue to pray for complete recovery for the Glory of God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT AN AWESOME GOD we serve! Can I just say that the first time I saw Zack at the Vine I almost passed out! You and him sat a few rows in front of me, and I was worshiping with my eyes closed, and when I would open them up, I would see Zack in front of me, praising our God in church. oh my goodness, i cannot tell you how amazing that was! to have seen zack in the hospital, wondering when he would ever get better and then be praising the lord and open your eyes and see zack in front of me, singing to the lord. Our God is sooo good!
It is so amazing to hear about what the Lord is doing in your life and in Zack's! It was so great to see you all at the Vine again tonight, and I look forward to next Saturday. To have been there, and then hear about what Zack wrote in his thank you letter....oh my goodness....I'm just in awe of our Lord. Because not only has he given us the blessing of "Zack's Comeback" lol but something that to me is of just as big importance is the fact that Zack recognizes that it is only by the grace and love of God that he is here....What I mean is, Zack sees that the Lord is awesome, he sees what amazing power and grace he has, and he loves him all the more because of that. And that in itself is a HUGE blessing. I know many people that have been in his situation and have gone on living their lives as if they didnt know that it was God's grace that kept them alive. Praise God for Zack and his faith in our God. ...He is an awesome God. I look forward to seeing Zack praising our Lord at the Vine again soon!
*Jennifer Litsey*

4:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you............

7:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It brings tears to my eyes to hear how great Zack is doing. I can only thank God for having Zack with us today. I dont know Zack but his accident has cahnged my life in many ways that I can't even explain. Once I heard about his awful accident I feel to my knees and began to pray to God. Zack's accident has brought me closer to God and I am trying to change my ways. It takes time and alot of effort but I know that I can do it. Zack did it and he is what I now look up to. I have followed Zack's recovery since day one and this Thanksgiving I am thankful that he is here with us. God Bless your Family. You have many things to be thankful for..


6:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eileen -

Everytime I read your entry I always reflect back on the times I spent with Zack: rocking him to sleep at your condo in Playa del Rey, playing with him in the snow in Mammoth, spending the day with him at Disneyland, the laugh we shared upon viewing a "chia-pet", decorating my Christmas tree together...and on and on...I want so baldy to give him a hug full of love. Please pass that hug on for me and let him know that even after all these years he still holds a precious place in my heart.
Love and prayers,

3:26 AM


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