Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tuesday November 29, 2005

Tuesday November 29, 2005 Zack was up a little after 7:00 and Scott was taking him to therapy today. In speech with Leslie he had to read a paragraph and tell it in his own words and then answer who, what, where, when and why questions. He needed some assistance but still did pretty good (according to his own notes). They are preparing him to go back to school. In cognition therapy with Megan they discussed what he should get his siblings for Christmas so after lunch Scott (occupational therapist) took him shopping.
They were very brave and went to Toys-R-Us. His shopping trip helped him to work on visual scanning, impulsivity (a problem of mine when I shop!), sustained attention and attention to detail. I thought he did excellent in his choice of gifts. He remembered that Logan liked Sponge Bob and he got her a movie. He got Dylan some football/baseball trading cards (which he collects) and Kyle a Brats doll (which she will fight with Logan over). I think one day I will send wrapping paper in with him so that he can work on attention to detail while he wraps his own gifts. If they think this is good therapy maybe I could coerce him into wrapping some of mine. He was anxious for me to pick him up since he was getting his braces off today. Everyone at First Care Dental have followed his progress (Jules even visited him when he was still living at Frazier Rehab) so they are always happy to see him. I brought the Southeast Outlook article in for them to read and we talked about how far Zack has come. He was delighted when he finally got his braces off (and a veneer replaced) so he kept looking in the mirror and smiling. On the way home we talked about the concert in Nashville this weekend. I had to tell him last night some disappointing news. I thought my friend Kelly in Nashville got the tickets and Kelly thought I got the tickets and now the concert is sold out and we have no tickets. I have been calling the Christian radio station in Nashville who was promoting the concert and begging for tickets but they have none left to give. Today I called Grits booking agency and told them of our plight and they are trying to come up with tickets. Kelly is talking with people she knows in Nashville so we pray that between both our efforts we can come up with something. I can’t believe that after all this time planning this trip that I end up without tickets. Zack looks at me very seriously and says, “Just get some tickets Mom”. He is so use to me handling everything from those months of dealing with his medical issues in the hospital that he assumes that I can “take care of” anything. He was so excited about this concert and has been through so much in the last several months that I don’t want to come up empty-handed. I will not give up hope until Friday morning. When we arrive back home Zack immediately heads to bed for a nap. He sleeps until dinner and then his friends start to arrive. Before long they are playing pool and laughing. When the last visitor leaves Zack calls to me and asks, “Did you get the tickets?” I explain that I am working on it and he has to be patient (which is a trait that God has been teaching me these last few months). I know what ever happens I can say I gave it my best effort. I’m going to stop fretting over it now and leave it in God’s hands. If it is meant to be we will find tickets somewhere. It is such an earthly parental reaction to want to give your child everything once you have lived with the possibility of losing them. We are so blessed to have Zack home with us and recovering so well. We will continue to focus on how far he has come and wait patiently for where God will lead him. We listen for God’s whisper and find it in Zack’s smile. We wait for the thunder…God’s glory through Zack’s complete recovery. Watch and pray.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just read your entry for today.instantly i reconized that the dark evil one doesnt want you all to attend that christian concert.but i laughed also reconizing how God is in control and he will get the tickets to you reminds me of "dont look at the situation going on as it appears but always keep your eyes looking up to GOD.Our God is a great big God!i love to read about Zack holding his hands up in praise and wondering why everyone doesnt just do it too.i also wonder that,but i think i already know the answer.Like Bob said "the spiritual warefare of good and evil is real"we must all put on the armor of God daily.amen sister

2:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you..........

8:29 AM


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