Friday July 29, 2005
Friday July 29, 2005 When I arrived this morning Zack was chillin’ in his bed with the lights out watching T.V. He had his leg swung over the side rail and looked completely relaxed and at home. As I walked across the room he tracked me all the way to the right. Kendra (night nurse) had left a note on his door for us that he had a great night and nodded yes twice. Dr Skolnick (pulmonary) and Dr Borhan (resident) came at 7:30 to change his Trach. They place a #6 Jackson metal Trach that has a plug. This Trach is smaller, much easier to clean and the plug enables him to speak when he’s ready. After his Trach was changed he was stretching his arm over his head. When I asked him to raise his hand he would. He also put it down when I asked. We were very pleased that he was following commands. At 9:30 AM Amy (PT) and Mary Beth (OT) came in for co-therapy. They took pictures of him in different positions so that I will know how to position him myself when they aren’t around. These positions help with the tone in his right arm and shoulder. Mary Beth cancelled the dynamic arm splint that Dr Mook ordered and said she was going to make him a custom one that was more suitable and less expensive. When they are ready to leave Mary Beth ask him to squeeze her hand if he wants her to leave him alone. He just stares at her. Then she asks him if he wants her to leave him alone and he nods “no”. She almost cried because most patients want her to leave them alone and would nod yes. I think we will get lots of extra attention from OT now. Zack slept for a while and then it was time to get him dressed and ready to go to the gym. We woke him up and set him on the side of the bed. He started to cough and when I looked at him he had a grimace on his face and he looked like he was going to cry. I asked him what was wrong and he said “no”! He spoke!!! There were several visitors around as we moved him to his wheel chair. I asked him if he wanted to go to the gym and again he said “no”! I told him Mary Beth was at the gym and did he want to see her. He said 3 or 4 words that we couldn’t understand but if we would have had a tape recorder to rewind I’m sure we could figure it out (we just weren’t expecting it). When we went to the gym I was telling everyone that Zack spoke. Dr. Miller (physiatrist resident) was in the gym and came to find us. He heard that Zack spoke and wanted to see him. Of course Zack had nothing to say but Dr Miller asked him to “give him five” and Zack held out his hand. He did great in physical therapy. They were using beanbags of different colors and asking him to grab it and give it to me. He reached for the 1st one and released it into my hand. Mary Beth and Amy said that was very good because it is harder to release than to hold something. After the first one he wasn’t ready to give it to me and actually held it in his hand and fingered it like a baseball. When therapy was over and it was time to leave they asked him for a “high five” and he raised his hand. We were all so pleased with him. By the time we got back to his room it was close to 5:00 and he was very tired. He rested peacefully until Julie (who cuts Scott’s hair) came with Scott. She cut Zack’s hair (on the side that wasn’t shaved off for surgery) to clean him up a bit.
I can’t help but think how loving our God is that he would give me such a fantastic day after the emotional one I had yesterday. I would have been happy with one “no” and he gave us two, and a great day in PT. He always sends the right person or posting on the website at the right time. He heard my cries yesterday and I know his heart ached for me so he blessed me with so many things today. When I left here yesterday I commented that I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up months from now when Zack was well. Now I wouldn’t miss these moments for nothing. It is like having your precious child back again and experiencing his 1st words and soon 1st steps. My prayer tonight will be that I will just trust God. That I will know he loves us so much and is waiting for just the right moment to wake Zack up. That’s right…he still is not awake…but he spoke. When my emotions are overwhelming I need to just let go and let God perform miracles. How blessed are we that God will carry us through an experience that not many others can claim? Keep praying for Zack’s complete recovery and the ministry that awaits him.